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R6 Mitigation Division

This section of the site contains information on Mitigation, it's programs and ways to contact the Mitigation Division for Region 6.

Mitigation Works for All Hazards

Mitigation is an action taken to reduce the loss of life and property. This is achieved through communities identifying and analyzing their hazards and risks.

FEMA’s Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA) manages the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and implements a variety of programs authorized by Congress to reduce losses that may result from natural disasters. Effective Mitigation efforts can break the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage.

Risk Analysis

Flood Mapping and Hazard Mitigation PlanningRisk Analysis, initiate Mitigation through a thorough assessment of the potential and actual impacts a natural disaster could (or did) have on a community.FEMA’s Risk Analysis staff work with communities to assess and delineate natural flood risks within communities. This information is shared with the communities through new updated flood map information or other new flood risk tools.

Floodplain Management and the National Flood Insurance Program

Floodplain Management and Flood Insurance, also known as National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) - Work with communities to create flood damage prevention ordinances and compliance with National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations. As well as provide information to Insurance Agents, Lenders and Individuals with questions about the NFIP. Another invaluable source of information are the State NFIP Coordinators.

There have been changes to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to learn more about these changes and the impacts visit The flood insurance reform page.

Hazard Mitigation Assistance (Grants)

Grants, both disaster and non-disaster, also known as Hazard Mitigation Assistance - Through partnerships with the States, provide information, technical assistance and guidance on the following grant programs: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP); Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA); and Pre-Disaster Mitigation Assistance (PDM).

Environmental and Historic Preservation

The Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (EHP) program integrates the protection and enhancement of environmental, historic, and cultural resources into FEMA's mission, programs and activities; ensures that FEMA's activities and programs related to disaster response and recovery, hazard mitigation, and emergency preparedness comply with federal environmental and historic preservation laws and executive orders; and provides environmental and historic preservation technical assistance to FEMA staff, local, State and Federal partners, and grantees and sub-grantees.

Additional R6 Mitigation Programs

Disaster Operations - Working with the Response and Recovery Divisions both before and after a federal declaration to determine what possible mitigation actions have occurred.

Community Education and Outreach - Working with FEMA Staff, communities, States and Tribes to encourage the education of citizens on how to identify and mitigate their risk.

State Resources for Mitigation and Preparedness

Your State Hazard Mitigation Officer, National Flood Insurance Coordinator, Earthquake Program Director, Dam Safety Manager, and Floodplain Management Association contact information is located the Mitigation Partner page.

To learn more about being prepared and/or how your State is Prepared please visit the following websites:

Disaster Mitigation

R6 Mitigation designed Disaster Mitigation Webpages for each state for those seeking information on how to rebuild safer and stronger:

Keeping Current

Keeping Current is Region 6 Mitigation's Quarterly Newsletter designed to inform stakeholders of changes, updates, best practices, and trainings around the region. 

Contact Us

Region 6 Mitigation Staff stand ready to assist you with your questions about risk, mapping, planning, grants, flood insurance, and outreach please contact us at any time.

Last Updated: 
10/07/2016 - 12:16