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The Grants Management Modernization Program - Approach

GMM has defined a user-centered, business-driven approach to modernizing grants management that is founded on active engagement with all grants stakeholders. Stakeholder input allows FEMA to understand and prioritize what grants users need in the future  IT system. 

The GMM approach includes several development steps. The first step is to assess the current system which includes researching and identifying current grants management challenges. The second step is to host user focus groups to better understand and prioritize desired improvements. The third step is to begin iterative system development to launch the modernized system in rapid iterations to capture early user feedback. The last step is to establish and maintain the modernized system through stakeholder engagement.

Engagement with users that touch all aspects of FEMA grants is underway and will be ongoing. During the first year of this modernization program, the GMM team has engaged with hundreds of stakeholders, including:

•Grant program office staff at FEMA HQ;
•Programmatic and financial specialists in the FEMA regions;
•Regional, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial grant recipients; and
•Subrecipients at the city and county levels.

Through these engagements, the GMM team has collected hundreds of ideas for programmatic and technical system enhancements. This input will shape the design and implementation of the modernized system.

What steps will GMM take to implement its development approach?


Diagram showing progression from Domain Analysis to Solution Development to Transofrmation Rollout to Post-Implimentation to Evaluation.

Step 1: Research: The GMM team did extensive research to understand the current state of FEMA grants. This included researching applicable policies, processes and systems as well as current challenges in grants management.

Step 2: Design: The GMM team is designing notional IT system requirements and programmatic concepts that address grants management challenges. This includes analyzing existing grants data archives and records in preparation for migration to the modernized system, and identifying and evaluating possible policy and training solutions. This step will culminate in the acquisition of an integrated grants management platform as well as a thorough understanding and mapping of new policies, processes, and organizational structures to address grants challenges.

Step 3: Launch: The GMM team will launch the modernized system while deploying a comprehensive plan for training and educating users on the functionality of and improvements in the integrated grants management tool and environment.

Step 4: Operationalize: The GMM team will institutionalize and operationalize the modernized system and grants management environment by continuing to assist all grants users in using new capabilities to manage grants more effectively, making strategic decisions based on grants information, and using grants data to inform disaster operations.

Step 5: Optimize: The GMM team will work to understand the impact grants modernization has had on users, share best practices for grants activities, and measure the outcomes the grants transformation has achieved. This real-time, iterative evaluation will allow GMM to constantly optimize the new grants management tool, training, and environment.

What is the expected timeline of the development approach steps?


The GMM timeline includes multiple iterations of stakeholder input that leads to modernized system outcomes. The first opportunity for stakeholder input will be to define the Mission Need in Fiscal years 2015 and 2016. The outcome from this includes the baseline analysis report and As-Is understanding of grants operations. The second opportunity for stakeholder input will be to collect requirements development in fiscal years 2016 and 2017. The outcomes from this opportunity include developing operational requirements, evaluating alternative solutions and conducting business process re-engineering. The third opportunity for stakeholder input relates to solution development in fiscal years 2017 through 2019. The GMM outcome will be to acquire integrated grants management platform and iterative development of new capabilities. The fourth opportunity for stakeholder input will be the transformation rollout of fiscal years 2018 through 2020 which will focus on stakeholders providing feedback on new system and needed training and guidance. The GMM outcome will be implementing grants transformations and providing. The fifth occasion for stakeholder input will be in the Post-Implementation and Evaluation phase of fiscal year 2020 and beyond. This will lead to the GMM outcome of improved grants management, performance metrics, and best practice sharing.

What type of stakeholder engagement is included in the GMM approach?

GMM welcomes stakeholder engagement and outreach opportunities and recommendations from grants users and the public via the GMM Mailbox  To-date, GMM has engaged with over 900 stakeholders in venues including:

SourcesLocation/DateNumber of ParticipantsType of Particpants
Chicago User SessionJan 20-21, 2016; Chicago, IL61*FEMA region, state, tribe, non-profit
Oakland User SessionMar. 1-2, 2016; Oakland, CA78FEMA HQ and region, state, tribe, territory, local
Washington D.C. User SessionMar. 22-23, 2016; Washington, D.C.76FEMA HQ and region, state, local
InterviewsBoston, MA; Chicago, IL; Oakland, CA51FEMA region, state
Regional Grants WorkshopApril 28, 2016; Denton, TX52FEMA HQ and region
Regional Recovery Division Directors MeetingApril 28, 2016; Washington, D.C.24FEMA HQ and region
Business Architecture Working GroupOctober 2015 - present; quarterly meetings40FEMA HQ and region, state
HMA Grants Stakeholder MeetingJuly 8, 2016; Emmitsburg, MD*200FEMA HQ and region, state, territory, tribe
IA leadership sessionJuly 28, 2016; Winchester, VA10FEMA HQ
R4 Partners in Mitigation WorkshopAugust 3, 2016; Atlanta, GA152FEMA HQ and region, state, tribe
R4 Tribal Nations ConferenceAugust 24, 2016; Atlanta, GA125FEMA HQ and region, state, tribe
R1 Grants WorkshopSeptember 15, 2016; Boston, MA45FEMA HQ and region, state
R5 User Session WebinarSeptember 28, 201680FEMA HQ, state
Total 994**FEMA HQ, FEMA region, state, tribe, territory, local


* Total Number of participants excludes support staff (e.g. GMM team members, FEMA stakeholders serving as facilitated discussion leaders, etc)
** Some stakeholders have attended more than one of the events listed above. For that reason, the total number of stakeholders listed above is greater than the total number of distinct stakeholders who have participated in GMM events.

Last Updated: 
10/14/2016 - 18:05