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Grants Management Toolkit

Resources for the Grants Management Toolkit are provided by various DHS/FEMA Grantees including State Administrative Agencies (SAAs), Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI), Port Security Agencies, and Transit Security Agencies.

Homeland Security Grant Administrators have agreed to share their agencies promising practices with their colleagues. These promising practices will support the administration and management of homeland security grant programs.

Promising Practices are in order according to the Grants Management Business Process Chart, the Grant Lifecycle.

If you would like additional information on any of the ‘promising practices’ listed on this site or are looking for a ‘promising practice’ that is not listed, please send an email to

Non-Disaster (ND) Grants Management System

The Grant Programs Directorate (GPD), Systems and Business Support Branch, in support of their participation in Grants Management Technical Assistance workshops made available the slide deck used during their presentation.

The FEMA Non-Disaster (ND) Grants Slides provide an overview of the GPD Non-Disaster Grants Management System. 

Management and Administration (M&A) vs Planning

The South Carolina State Administrative Agency (SAA) Examples of Job Duties presentation provides examples of existing jobs duties within the SAA.  These job duty examples can be utilized by FEMA grantees to assist in the development or enhancement of their current or future job duties and position descriptions.

Funding Acquisition and Program Establishment

Funding acquisition and program establishment documents provided to the FEMA Grants Management Technical Assistance Program as examples to be shared with other FEMA grantees and sub-grantees.

Policies and Procedures

Position Descriptions


Application documents provided to the FEMA Grants Management Technical Assistance Program as examples to be shared with other FEMA grantees and sub-grantees.


Award documents provided to the FEMA Grants Management Technical Assistance Program as examples to be shared with other FEMA grantees and sub-grantees.


Programmatic and financial monitoring information documents provided to the FEMA Grants Management Technical Assistance Program as examples to be shared with other FEMA grantees and sub-grantees.


Project modification (Revisions and Extensions) documents provided to the FEMA Grants Management Technical Assistance Program as examples to be shared with other FEMA grantees and sub-grantees.


Payment and/or reimbursement forms provided to the FEMA Grants Management Technical Assistance Program as examples to be shared with other FEMA grantees and sub-grantees.


Closeout and equipment tracking and/or inventory control documents provided to the FEMA Grants Management Technical Assistance Program as examples to be shared with other FEMA grantees and sub-grantees.

Other Areas of Grants Management

Other grants management documents provided to the FEMA Grants Management Technical Assistance Program as examples to be shared with other FEMA grantees and sub-grantees.

Electronic Grants Management Systems

SAA Fact sheets


Resources for Local Fire Departments

For Grants Management examples pertaining to Local Fire Departments, please email

Last Updated: 
07/17/2015 - 13:40