Open data is powering a new civic movement that is changing the way citizens experience our nation’s cities, counties, and states.

Get your Local Government on is the central clearinghouse for federal open data, including hosting the Public Data Listings required under the 2013 Federal Open Data Policy, but also hosts state, local, and tribal government sources voluntarily. As of this writing has … Continued

Innovating with Open Data from Zillow and HUD at “Hack Housing”

One of the biggest opportunities for new products and services to come out of the Civic Hacking movement in 2015, may be through place-based initiatives that foster collaboration across industry, academia, local government, and the federal government. This has the … Continued

Open Data Census

How is your city doing in open data and transparency? A recent survey looks at what data cities are sharing and not sharing and how they rank in transparency and accessibility. You can add your city to the census and see others … Continued