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Tsunami Information
Latest Happenings
Oregon Emergency Management Geologic Hazards Coordinator Althea Rizzo and other state agency experts held preparedness workshops concerning tsunamis and earthquakes in several Oregon communities in March 2012. For more information see the 2012 Road Show Slides.

Oregon Tsunami Resources
To request copies of these publications please contact us at 503-378-2911 or by email.
  • Seismic Event Guidebook (Mass Media Binder)
  • Living on Shaky Ground. (Espanol)
    • This useful magazine will help you and your family learn how to prepare for earthquakes and tsunamies in Oregon.
  • Go-Kit Passport, (Espanol)
    • Use this passport to create a record of your important information. Keep current medical and communication information in one easy-to-find location with your emergency go-kit.  
  • Oregon ShakeOut Posters
    • Participate in the October 18, 2012 Great Oregon ShakeOut and do your best Drop, Cover, and Hold On!
    • Show your support and display these colorful posters to let everyone know that you care about earthquake and tsunami safety!
Earthquake and Tsunami Presentations given by OEM:
Earthquake and Tsunami Preparedness Train the Trainer 2011 

Earthquake and Tsunami Presentation 2011 slide show from road show 2011

Earthquake and Tsunami Train the Trainer slide show from road show 2011
Lincoln City Tsunami Evacuation Route (English or Spanish)


Distant Tsunami Working Group
Oregon Emergency Management is establishing a Distant Tsunami Response Working Group to create a standardized response to a distant tsunami on the Oregon coast. The goal of this group will be to look at current processes and produce recommendations for state agencies and local communities to better react to a distant tsunami warning, watch or advisory.  A further goal of this working group will be to provide an avenue for capturing lessons learned from both damaging and non-damaging distant tsunami events.

Working Group Materials
Next Meeting:  
Available soon  
Support Materials

Archive of Past Tsunami Mitigation Efforts in Oregon
Oregon Senate Bill 557
Working Team Materials
To hear the siren click here.

Additional Tsunami Information

Tsunami Reports
If you have questions or comments on earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes, please e-mail Althea Rizzo.