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Latest commit 5f65eb6 Feb 16, 2016 @smileytech smileytech Updated readme based on decomissioning of the Mobile Product API in l…
…ieu of the new U.S. Digital Registry API

Federal Mobile Product API Documentation

The Federal Mobile Product API has been replaced by the U.S. Digital Registry API which serves as the authoritative resource for agencies, citizens and developers to confirm the official status of social media and public-facing collaboration accounts, mobile apps and mobile websites.

Data fields in the registry include the agency, platform, account, language, points of contact and collaborative tags.

Developers are encouraged to use the API to verify the thousands of official accounts and mobile apps in order to maintain trust in official public service engagements, and build new user-centered programs to empower citizens. The API currently feeds’s Federal Mobile Apps Directory and's Directorio Federal de Aplicaciones (Apps) Móviles page(s).

You can view both the interactive documentation and open source code; if you are using the API and have feedback or want to tell us about your product, please email us at