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U.S. Volcanoes and Current Activity Alerts

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30 Years of the Volcano Disaster Assistance Program

There are approximately 1,550 potentially active volcanoes around the world. 2016 marks the 30th year that the Volcano Disaster Assistance program (VDAP) has worked to reduce loss of life and property, limit economic impact and prevent volcanic crises from becoming disasters. The USGS and U.S. Agency for International Development's Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) established VDAP in 1986 in response to the tragic eruption of Nevado del Ruiz Volcano in Colombia, which killed more than 23,000 people from volcanic mudflows. Since then, VDAP scientific teams have deployed in response to 30 major crises, assisted counterparts with hundreds of additional volcanic events, and strengthened response capacity in 12 countries since the program began.

To recognize the milestone, the USGS is highlighting some of the major responses, showing how the program has helped save countless lives. Read the USGS Top Story to learn how VDAP works to support international scientists and agencies at the invitation of a host country.

  • Volcano Disaster Assistance scientists working with colleagues from the Instituto Geofisico in Bocatoma, Ecuador to install a lahar monitoring station during the July 2015 Cotopaxi eruption response.
    Volcano Disaster Assistance scientists working with colleagues from the Instituto Geofisico in Bocatoma, Ecuador to install a lahar monitoring station during the July 2015 Cotopaxi eruption response.
    Volcano Disaster Assistance scientists working with colleagues from the Instituto Geofisico in Bocatoma, Ecuador to install a lahar monitoring station during the July 2015 Cotopaxi eruption response.
  • Memorial in Armero, Colombia, to those who died in the 1985 lahar produced by the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz.
    Memorial in Armero, Colombia, to those who died in the 1985 lahar produced by the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz.
    Memorial in Armero, Colombia, to those who died in the 1985 lahar produced by the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz.
  • DC-10 collapses under weight of typhoon-soaked ash fall from eruptions at Pinatubo Volcano in the Philippines.
    DC-10 collapses under weight of typhoon-soaked ash fall from eruptions at Pinatubo Volcano in the Philippines.
    DC-10 collapses under weight of typhoon-soaked ash fall from eruptions at Pinatubo Volcano in the Philippines.
  • The June 12, 1991 eruption column from Mount Pinatubo taken from the east  side of Clark Air Base.
    The June 12, 1991 eruption column from Mount Pinatubo taken from the east  side of Clark Air Base.
    The June 12, 1991 eruption column from Mount Pinatubo taken from the east side of Clark Air Base.
  • Darkness during an ashfall from Mount Pinatubo volcano, Philippines.
    Darkness during an ashfall from Mount Pinatubo volcano, Philippines.
    Darkness during an ashfall from Mount Pinatubo volcano, Philippines.