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Volunteering and Civic Life in America 2015

National, State, and City Information

This site is home to the most comprehensive look at volunteering and civic life in the 50 states and 51 cities across the country. Data includes volunteer rates and rankings, civic engagement trends, and analysis.

Washington Oregon California Alaska Nevada Arizona New Mexico Texas Utah Idaho Montana Wyoming Colorado North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Florida South Carolina Tennessee North Carolina Virginia Kentucky Illinois Wisconsin Indiana Michigan Ohio West Virginia Pennsylvania New York Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Massachusetts Maryland New Hampshire New Jersey Rhode Island Vermont Maine Hawaii New Jersey Maryland Massachusetts New Hampshire Connecticut Vermont Delaware Michigan View National Profile >

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Volunteer Now

Quick Facts

Remaining Strong

The volunteer rate remained steady as 62.8 million Americans volunteered 7.9 billion hours last year. Based on the Independent Sector’s estimate of the average value of a volunteer hour ($23.07 in 2014), the estimated value of this volunteer service is nearly $184 billion.

More Opportunities

Volunteers have 27% higher odds of finding a job after being out of work than non-volunteers, possibly due to developing new skills and expanding personal networks.

Volunteers Donate

Volunteers are almost twice as likely to donate to charity as non-volunteers. Nearly 80% of volunteers donated to charity, compared to 40 percent of non-volunteers. Overall, half of all Americans donated at least $25 to charity in 2014.


Generation X had the highest volunteer rate of all age groups at 30%, but the Silent Generation (75 and older) had the highest median hours among volunteer at 100 while 1 in 5 Millennials volunteered in 2014.

Providing Value

Over the past 13 years, Americans volunteered 104.9 billion hours, estimated to be worth $2.1 trillion. We urge you to volunteer with your family and friends this holiday season and into the New Year. To find local volunteer opportunities, visit