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Teen, Campus, and Workplace Community Emergency Response Team Programs

This page provides an overview of the Teen, Campus, and Workplace CERT programs. In addition to providing a brief overview of each program and addressing frequently asked questions, this page also includes several resources available for download for anyone interested in learning more about Teen, Campus, or Workplace CERT or starting a program of their own.

Teen CERT Resources

Are you ready to...

  • Learn about the hazards in your area?
  • Help others in the event of a disaster?
  • Be a leader in your school?

Teen CERT members answer, "Yes!" and here is why: Teen CERT training teaches you readiness and response skills. Hands-on practice and realistic exercises prepare you for the unexpected in your community. Newly learned leadership skills empower you to safely respond to an emergency and assist victims without endangering yourself or others. You'll be equipped with skills that last a lifetime.

Are you ready?

For local CERT program managers and others who want to establish and maintain CERT training for teens, there are a number of tools at your disposal. Explore the links below for more information.

Teen CERT Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long is the training?
The curriculum takes approximately 20-30 hours to cover in its current form. However, an additional 8 hours will be required if the school will offer certification in CPR, First Aid and AED.

Q: Who delivers the training?
Lead instructors should be CERT certified instructors. Staff to consider as trainers include school resource officers, emergency managers, police, fire and EMS personnel, nurses, teachers, physical education teachers, counselors and other disaster relief professionals.

Campus CERT Resources

Campus CERT programs are designed to operate on any type of college or university campus. A college or university campus often functions as a “city within a city,” and often has its own emergency management capabilities. A Campus CERT program can support and enhance existing capabilities, and CERT volunteers can participate in efforts to increase the preparedness and resilience of the on-campus community.

The Campus CERT Starter Guide is designed to assist anyone interested in starting a Campus CERT program, whether that person is a campus safety staff member, a faculty member, a student, or another member of the campus community.

Workplace CERT Resources

Workplace CERT programs are designed to operate in any type of workplace environment. A Workplace CERT program can support and enhance existing capabilities, and CERT volunteers can participate in efforts to increase the preparedness and resilience of the workplace and community. A Workplace CERT program equips employees with skills that enable them to perform basic disaster response operations in an emergency.

The Workplace CERT Starter Guide is designed to assist the individual or team responsible for planning and implementing CERT in your workplace. Each Workplace CERT program will be unique to the specific needs of the workplace it serves. This guide should be a reference rather than a prescriptive how-to manual for starting a Workplace CERT program.


Below you will find links to recorded webinars for Teen, Campus, and Workplace CERT programs topics.

The Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center, on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS), and in collaboration with FEMA, hosted the following webinars to provide an overview of the Teen CERT program as well as information about how schools are using Teen CERT to support their overall emergency preparedness and response efforts.

Last Updated: 
08/31/2016 - 09:09