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Frequently Asked Questions

What resources are available that can help build my organizations capacity to prepare for emergencies? (training, guidance, grants, templates, etc.)

FEMA provides various trainings through the Emergency Management Institute. Additional courses and trainings can be found here. We’ve also collected resources for houses of worship. For individual and family preparedness resources and information visit For those that are interested in grants, please refer to FEMA's grants website for more information.

DHS Center for Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships partners with Council on Pakistani American Affairs, City of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County Office to engage Imams and leaders within the Islamic faith in disaster preparedness during Ramadan. Los Angeles County’s “Pledge to Prepare” effort is one of many local examples of taking a proactive approach to engaging the faith community.

Will my activity / idea be considered / eligble for federal funding?

Organizations interested in understanding funding eligibility requirements are encouraged to visit FEMA's grants website. For general information about grants, please visit

Asbury Park, N.J., Jan. 17, 2013 -- The Calvary Chapel Relief volunteers, a FEMA Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD) organization, works tirelessly on the Asbury Park boardwalk removing damaged boards while prepping the walk for the installation of new boards. VOAD is the forum where organizations share knowledge and resources throughout the disaster cycle to help disaster survivors and their communities. Adam DuBrowa/FEMA

I want to engage more faith-based / community organizations in disaster preparedness. Can FEMA help me?

There are four ways you can engage more organizations in disaster preparedness. Opportunities include participating in training facilitated by the Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), involving youth through youth preparedness activities, creating a community preparedness plan, and participating in a day of action. For additional resources for houses of worship that are interested in disaster prepardness specifically, please visit the Protected Houses of Worship webpage.

ICNA Relief USA Volunteers near Tupelo, Miss.

My faith-based / community organization wants to participate more in emergency management. Can FEMA help me?

Faith-based / community organizations interested in becoming involved in emergency management, please review the Voluntary Agency Liaison brochure.  Voluntary Agency Liaisons provide a range of response and recover opportunities specific to the needs of faith-based and community organization. For participation in preparedness opportunities visit

Volunteers assisting with cleaning up debris.

Who is my best point of contact to an emergency management agency? To a voluntary organization active in disaster?

For the best point of contact prior to, during, and after a disaster, please visit the Voluntary Faith-based and Community-based Organizations site as well as the Emergency Management Agencies site.  For maps showing the various locations of the point of contacts within your region, please visit  Regional Contact Map.

Hackleburg, Ala., May 11, 2011 -- The Hackleburg Methodist Church serves as disaster relief center for tornado survivors. Volunteers from Kansas and Wisconsin have come to help run the center. Faith-Based organizations and groups are an intregal part of the recovery process after disasters. FEMA photo / Tim Burkitt

As we prepare for and / or recover form the aftermath of disaster, what resources are available to better understand the traumatic impact on my community and / or faith-based organization?

To learn more about the psychological impact of trauma on communities that expereice disasters, please visit

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson comforts a disaster survivor in the residential neighborhood of Plantation Drive in Mayflower, Arkansas, which was struck by an EF-4 tornado on April 27.

Other than providing pamphlets / information, how else can my organization get involved in disaster preparedness?

If you are seeking specific ways to support your organization in preparation for disasters, please visit the

 Access alerts and warnings, test communication plans, assemble or update supplies, drill or practice emergency response, participate in a class, training or discussion, safeguard documents, document and insure property, make property safer, conduct an exercise, plan with neighbors.


What resources and training are available to learn more about human trafficking?

For information specific to training and materials on human trafficking, view the Blue Campaign (DHS) website.

The Blue Campaign is the unified voice for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) efforts to combat human trafficking. Working in collaboration with law enforcement, government, non-governmental and private organizations, the Blue Campaign strives to protect the basic right of freedom and to bring those who exploit human lives to justice.



Last Updated: 
10/14/2016 - 08:50