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Community Assistance Program - State Support Services Element

The purpose of this page is to define the Community Assistance Program - State Support Services Element, a commonly used program in floodplain management.To explore other common floodplain management terms access the NFIP Policy Index.

The Community Assistance Program –State Support Services Element (CAP-SSSE) program derives its authority from the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 and from 44 CFR Parts 59 and 60. This program provides funding to states to provide technical assistance to communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and to evaluate community performance in implementing NFIP floodplain management activities. In this way, CAP-SSSE helps to:

  • Ensure that the flood loss reduction goals of the NFIP are met,
  • Build state and community floodplain management expertise and capability and
  • Leverage state knowledge and expertise in working with their communities.

The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 prohibits the Director from providing flood insurance in a community unless that community adopts and enforces floodplain management measures that meet or exceed minimum criteria in 44 CFR Part 60.3. These floodplain management measures can take the form of floodplain management ordinances, building codes or zoning provisions.

FEMA Regional Offices and the designated state agency negotiate a CAP-SSSE Agreement (Agreement) that specifies activities and products to be completed by a state in return for CAP-SSSE funds. There is a 25 percent non-federal match for all states receiving CAP-SSSE funds.

A few of the fundable CAP-SSSE activities include:

  • Entering Floodplain Management Data into the Community Information System (CIS) (Required)
  • Strategic Planning
  • Ordinance Assistance
  • CAP GAP Analysis
  • Community Assistance Visits and Community Assistance Contacts (Required)
  • Outreach, Workshops and Other Training
  • General Technical Assistance
  • Mapping Coordination Assistance
  • Coordination with Other State Programs and Agencies
  • Assistance to Communities in Responding to Disasters

    To apply for the 2014 CAP-SSSE, please go to . Following are the attachments, as cited in the CAP-SSSE guidance.  If you have any questions, contact your FEMA Regional Office, Mitigation Division, CAP-SSSE Coordinator per the link below.

Last Updated: 
04/26/2016 - 14:04