Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory


Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory

Futures Directorate

Quantico, VA
Wargaming Division
Wargaming's mission is to:

Plan and execute the Marine Corps’ Wargaming Program and act as the Service’s cognizant entity for wargaming matters.

The Wargaming Division supports the experimentation process as well as other combat development processes. Wargaming is useful in generating, refining, and assessing concepts, plans, decision alternatives, issues and technologies; identifying capabilities and deficiencies; reducing surprises; and creating conditions which allow risk-taking which is difficult to reproduce in experimentation, exercises or operations.

The Division conducts Marine Corps Title 10 Wargames, supports annual wargaming requirements, and coordinates Marine Corps participation in Service-external wargames.

Marine Corps’ Wargaming Program. The Wargame Program is the annual syllabus of wargames conducted by the Division in support of Marine Corps equities as defined by the responsible authorities.