The Basic and Applied Sciences Department funds a wide range of basic, unclassified research aimed at reducing the threat from weapons of mass destruction. We support the best researchers, national and international, in industry, academia, non-profit, and government communities. For the topics of interest to us, and what awards we have given in the past, see our individual Thrust Areas.

For an explanation of the difference between our basic and fundamental research opportunities see the Glossary below.

Current Opportunities

For Universities and Other Non-Government Entities

Broad Agency Announcement (BAA): The Basic and Applied Sciences Department’s BAAs are solicitations for basic and/or fundamental research to address DTRA’s mission requirements. BAAs are typically open to universities, industry, and non-profit research institutions. However, the official BAA announcements should be reviewed in their entirety as eligibility, application, and submission criteria vary from one solicitation to the next.

Our current BAAs:

This list is not a substitute for the official notifications which can be found on (Search Keyword: DTRA).

HDTRA1-14-24-FRCWMD-BAA: Fundamental Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (C-WMD)
Announcement Continuously Open Through: Sep 30, 2024

HDTRA1-11-16-BRCWMD-BAA-Amendment 5 (Period F): FY2011 - 2016 Basic Research for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (C-WMD) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
Phase I White Paper Submission Deadline:  Feb. 1, 2016
Phase II Full Proposal Submission Deadline (By Invitation Only): Closed

HDTRA1-09-14-FRCWMD-BAA: Fundamental Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (C-WMD)
This BAA is no longer accepting abstracts for pre-coordination or new white paper applications. Pre-application white papers received prior to 20 March 2015 will be reviewed. Invited full proposals and full proposals that are under review are not impacted.

For Federal Government Entities

Calls for Proposals (Calls): The Basic and Applied Sciences Department’s Calls are also directed at addressing the basic and/or fundamental research needs of DTRA to meet mission requirements, but Calls are only open to certain government entities. The official Call announcements should be reviewed in their entirety as eligibility, application, and submission criteria vary from one solicitation to the next.

Our current Calls for Proposals:

This list is not a substitute for the official notifications which can be found on

HDTRA1-12-17-FRCWMD-Call: Fundamental Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (C-WMD) Government Call
Announcement Continuously Open Through: Sep 30, 2017

HDTRA1-11-16-BRCWMD-CALL-Amendment 5 (Period F): FY2011 - 2016 Basic Research for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (C-WMD) Service Call       
Phase I White Paper Submission Deadline:  Feb. 1, 2016
Phase II Full Proposal Submission Deadline (By Invitation Only): Closed


Basic Research: "Basic research is the systematic study directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts without specific applications toward processes or products in mind. It includes all scientific study and experimentation directed toward increasing fundamental knowledge and understanding in those fields of the physical, engineering, environmental, and life sciences related to long-term national security needs. It is farsighted, high payoff research that provides the basis for technological programs." (DoDI 3210.1, September 16, 2005)

"The boundary between basic research and applied research occurs at the point when sufficient knowledge exists to support a hypothesis involving a specific application." (DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2B, Chapter 5)

  • Basic research funding opportunities are topic-based. The current topics change yearly and have set deadlines for the submission of white papers. The BAA will be updated to reflect each change in available topics.

Fundamental Research: "Fundamental research means basic and applied research in science and engineering, the results of which ordinarily are published and shared broadly within the scientific community, as distinguished from proprietary research and from industrial development, design, production, and product utilization, the results of which ordinarily are restricted for proprietary or national security reasons.

Contracted Fundamental Research includes research performed under grants, contracts (awards), or Other Transaction Agreements (OTAs) that are (a) funded by budget Category 6.1 (Basic Research), whether performed by universities or industry or (b) funded by budget Category 6.2 (Applied Research) performed on-campus at a university. Fundamental research provides for science and technology (S&T) research and early applied development. It seeks to lower performance risk to a manageable level and facilitate transition and funding to capability end-state programs."

  • Fundamental research funding opportunities may or may not be topic-based. Non topic-based white paper submissions are accepted following precoordination of an abstract on a rolling basis for the duration of the announcement. Topic-based white paper submissions will likely have set deadlines for the submission of white papers.