Table A-2
World's Top Merchandise Exporting Countries and their Exports to the United States: 2008

Table A-2
World's Top Merchandise Exporting Countries and their Exports to the United States: 2008

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(Millions of U.S. $)

Rank in 2008 Country Total exports Share of world total exports (percent) Exports to United States Exports to U.S. as share of country's total (percent)
  World 16,044,000 100.0 2,063,720 12.9
1 China 1,469,280 9.2 273,129 18.6
2 Germany 1,465,200 9.1 104,728 7.1
3 United States 1,300,190 8.1 NA NA
4 Japan 783,149 4.9 139,022 17.8
5 The Netherlands 633,842 4.0 24,837 3.9
6 France 606,623 3.8 35,013 5.8
7 Italy 539,933 3.4 33,905 6.3
8 Belgium 477,159 3.0 23,095 4.8
9 United Kingdom 460,693 2.9 63,765 13.8
10 Canada 456,485 2.8 354,687 77.7
11 Russia 456,075 2.8 15,285 3.4
12 South Korea 426,763 2.7 46,501 10.9
13 Hong Kong 362,985 2.3 46,290 12.8
14 Singapore 339,414 2.1 24,196 7.1
15 Mexico 291,343 1.8 233,523 80.2
16 Saudi Arabia 285,928 1.8 51,823 18.1
17 Spain 267,581 1.7 11,229 4.2
18 Malaysia 224,490 1.4 28,321 12.6
19 Switzerland 200,065 1.2 19,221 9.6
20 Brazil 197,067 1.2 28,558 14.5
21 India 191,926 1.2 24,483 12.8
22 Australia 185,693 1.2 10,290 5.5
23 Sweden 184,000 1.1 12,091 6.6
24 Austria 181,737 1.1 7,802 4.3
25 Thailand 173,235 1.1 19,754 11.4
26 United Arab Emirates 170,126 1.1 1,225 0.7
27 Poland 169,074 1.1 2,481 1.5
28 Norway 167,976 1.0 7,499 4.5
29 Czech Republic 146,767 0.9 2,580 1.8
30 Indonesia 137,022 0.9 13,080 9.5
31 Turkey 132,311 0.8 4,398 3.3
32 Ireland 124,468 0.8 23,005 18.5
33 Denmark 116,974 0.7 6,223 5.3
34 Venezuela 115,648 0.7 47,828 41.4
35 Hungary 108,017 0.7 2,499 2.3
36 Iran 107,413 0.7 96 0.1
37 Finland 96,837 0.6 6,199 6.4
38 Nigeria 77,380 0.5 35,652 46.1
39 Algeria 76,642 0.5 18,211 23.8
40 Argentina 73,372 0.5 5,616 7.7
41 South Africa 73,005 0.5 8,083 11.1
42 Slovakia 71,047 0.4 1,212 1.7
43 Chile 71,011 0.4 7,856 11.1
44 Kuwait 67,382 0.4 6,727 10.0
45 Ukraine 66,884 0.4 1,949 2.9
46 Qatar 62,396 0.4 473 0.8
47 Angola 62,160 0.4 17,725 28.5
48 Israel 61,372 0.4 19,972 32.5
49 Vietnam 60,813 0.4 12,594 20.7
50 Libya 60,645 0.4 3,954 6.5
  Rest of the world 1,406,403 8.8 175,031 12.4

KEY: NA = Not applicable.

NOTE: Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China, but is separate from China in U.S. Foreign Trade Statistics.

SOURCES: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, based on data from various sources.

United States-U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division, available at as of May 12, 2009.

World-International Monetary Fund, Direction of Trade Statistics, available at as of Sept. 14, 2009.