Table 2
Geographic Overview of World's Top Economies: 2008

Table 2
Geographic Overview of World's Top Economies: 2008

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Ranked by Population National population (millions, July 2009 est.) Population density (number of people per square kilometer) Urban population (% of total national population, 2008) Land area (thousands of square kilometers)
China 1,339 140 43 9,570
India 1,166 392 29 2,973
United States 307 34 82 9,162
Indonesia 240 133 52 1,812
Brazil 199 23 86 8,459
Russia 140 9 73 16,378
Japan 127 349 66 364
Mexico 111 57 77 1,944
Germany 82 236 74 349
Turkey 77 100 69 770
France 64 116 77 550
United Kingdom 61 253 90 242
Italy 58 198 68 294
South Korea 49 501 81 97
Spain 41 81 77 499
Poland 38 126 61 304
Canada 33 4 80 9,094
Saudi Arabia 29 13 82 2,150
Netherlands 17 493 82 34
Belgium 10 344 97 30
Sweden 9 22 85 410
Austria 8 100 67 82
Australia 8 0 89 7,682
Switzerland 8 190 73 40
Norway 5 15 77 304

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, based on data from Central Intelligence Agency, Fact Book 2009, available at as of Sept. 20, 2009.

  • The relatively larger area, lower population density, and higher urban population of the United States, in comparison to other countries, leads to relatively more freight activity. Freight must be transported greater distances as goods are shipped from production centers to consumers.