New & Notable

Call for Nominations

Review of SOCCR-2

The Carbon Cycle Interagency Working Group, via the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program, under the auspices the U.S. Global Change Research Program, is leading the development of the 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR-2) as a product of the Sustained National Climate Assessment. A new ad hoc committee of the Academies will conduct an independent review of the SOCCR-2 draft report.

Study in Progress

Developing a Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are pleased to announce a new study on Developing a Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration. The Academies will convene an ad hoc committee to develop a detailed research and development agenda needed to assess the benefits, risks, and sustainable scale potential for carbon dioxide removal and sequestration approaches; and increase their commercial viability.

Study in Progress

Review of the Climate Science Special Report

In advance of the fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4), the U.S. Global Change Research Program is producing a Climate Science Special Report (CSSR) which will contribute to the content of NCA4. A new ad hoc Committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will conduct an independent review of the CSSR, concurrent with the public comment period for the document.



  • BASC Newsletter

  • Climate Change at the Academies

    This wide-ranging website brings together resources from across the Academies.

  • Mission Statement

    BASC is the focal point within the National Academies for activities related to the atmospheric and climate sciences.

  • Advice to the US Global Change Research Program

    This standing committee provides ongoing and focused advice to the US Global Change Research Program. The committee is broadly constituted to bring expertise in all the areas addressed by the USGCRP and is supported by the expertise of many units across the National Research Council.

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