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Welcome to the DHS Science and Technology Directorate's new Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (LRBAA) Program Submission Portal. The LRBAA is our standing, open invitation to the scientific and technical communities to propose novel ideas that address DHS Components' highest priority operational needs. S&T's LRBAA 18-01 features new processes adopted by those we rely upon to meet our mission.
  • Transparent, simplified announcement with more details
  • Streamlined efficient submission procedures
  • Notification of DHS interest in your research in 10 days
  • Flexible communications including dialogue with topic program managers, a virtual pitch and submission of an optional video


Under the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (LRBAA) and other Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs), white papers and/or proposals on a range of topics important to the mission of securing the homeland, are being sought. Through this Portal, interested submitters can locate these topics via integrated searches on the topics themselves, or their associated solicitations and technical topic areas.

S&T's Broad Agency Announcement Solicitations Portal

This web site contains information for the DHS S&T Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (LRBAA) and any other Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs) that were released to the public on or after January 24, 2011. This information is organized into and presented as engagements referred to as Funding Opportunities. The portal allows you to search for these opportunities via the solicitation, the topics, or technical topic areas associated with specific DHS S&T divisions. Once an opportunity is found, you may submit a pre-submission inquiry or submit a white paper or proposal, keeping in mind submission due dates. As with many funding opportunity submissions, the submitted white papers and proposals undergo a review process to determine if they are good fits for the agency, with a final decision being communicated to the submitter, indicating such....

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To assist you with the submission process, a How to Apply guideline is also provided on the portal. Current information on specific topics and details can be found on the S&T Current Solicitations page. Historical information about Past Solicitations and Workshops is also available for review. When entering data on the web site, enter only the requested information. Supplemental information will not be considered. For the complete listing of requirements criteria, please also refer to the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate. Finally, If you are ready to begin, click HERE or the portal login at the top of the page to register and begin submitting your white paper or proposal for the current LRBAA or targeted BAAs.

User Tools
Science & Technology Research Areas
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division image Securing Aviation
Securing Aviation Division image

The aviation security environment presents a constant demand to detect evolving threats while moving passengers, baggage, and cargo safely and quickly through checkpoints and promoting a positive passenger experience. The end goal is to provide non-invasive security screening at our nation?s airports while preventing terrorist attacks and ensuring speedy and lawful trade and travel.

Priority R&D needs for securing aviation are:

  • High-throughput cargo screening
  • Cost-effective electronic imaging for bulk air cargo
  • Passenger identification and vetting
  • Rapid detection and alarming of explosives
  • Distinguishing threats from non-threats on passengers
  • Efficient and accurate detection of complex threat concealment on passengers and carried property
Securing Borders Division Image Securing Borders
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Our borders are vital economic gateways that account for trillions of dollars in trade and travel each year. Border security presents complex challenges due to geographic locations, modes of transportation, trade and travel volume, and transnational criminal organizations. DHS works to secure our borders through the deployment of personnel, infrastructure, and technology?including sensors, radar, and aerial assets?and investments to modernize the ports of entry.

Priority R&D needs for border security are:

  • Cross-border tunnel detection, surveillance, and forensics
  • Infrastructure tunnel surveillance
  • Integrated and improved sensors, systems, and data
  • Actionable intelligence gathering and sharing
  • Dark aircraft and vessel detection, tracking, and interdiction
  • Expedited people screening
  • Maritime surveillance and communications in remote environments
division image Securing Cyberspace
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DHS has identified strengthening the security and resilience of cyberspace as a priority in its Quadrennial Homeland Security Review efforts. Priority areas for safeguarding and securing cyberspace are:

  • Strengthen the security and resilience of critical infrastructure
  • Secure the federal civilian government information technology enterprise
  • Advance law enforcement, incident response and reporting capabilities
  • Strengthen the ecosystem:
    • Drive innovative and cost effective security products, services and solutions throughout the cyber ecosystem
    • Conduct and transition research and development, enabling trustworthy cyber infrastructure
    • Develop skilled cybersecurity professionals
    • Enhance public awareness and promote cybersecurity best practices
    • Advance international engagement to promote capacity building, international standards and cooperation

DHS S&T identifies, develops and delivers new cybersecurity technologies, tools, techniques, and next-generation capabilities that enable DHS and the nation to defend and secure current and future critical systems and networks against cyberattacks. We leverage public-private partnerships to identify real-world requirements for innovative technology solutions, which are developed with the partners and transitioned into the marketplace. Some examples of priority cybersecurity R&D needs include:

  • Distributed cloud-based communications and monitoring
  • Industrial control systems, cyber sensors, analytics, and prevention
  • Metrics for cybersecurity effectiveness, severity, and comparison
  • Data capture of networked devices for forensic examination

Website: www.dhs.gov/cyber-research

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A hallmark of homeland security, the prevention of terrorist attacks runs through the mission of every component within DHS. Terrorist tactics continue to evolve and the threat of terrorism has become increasingly difficult to detect.

Priority R&D needs in preventing terrorism are:

  • Organic explosive compound and homemade explosives detection
  • Improvised explosive device-related anomaly detection
  • Automated machine learning
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Protecting the American people from terrorist threats and attacks is the reason DHS was created and remains our highest priority. Terrorists seek sophisticated means of attack, including chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) weapons, and cyber attacks. Biological threat security, in particular, focuses around the prevention of release as well as detection of and protection against biological threats and hazards known to pose particularly high risk to the nation.

Operators in this mission space have the following priority R&D needs:

  • Personal protective equipment for all CBRNE hazards
  • Modeling and predictive analytics for decision making
  • Disease and biological threat detection, identification, and classification in field operational environments
  • Biological attack verification
division image Managing Incidents
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Incident Management encompasses emergency response and critical infrastructure security and resilience, to include the preparedness, response, and recovery needs of more than 70,000 state, local, tribal, and federal agencies and 16 critical infrastructure sectors. Specific incident management needs are centered around the following priorities:

  • Situational Awareness
  • Communications
  • Command, Control, Coordination
  • Training and Exercises
  • Responder Health, Safety, Performance
  • Logistics and Resource Management
  • Casualty Management
  • Risk Assessment and Planning
  • Intelligence and Investigation
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Secure and resilient critical infrastructure is a necessary foundation for the American way of life, supporting everything from our national security functions to the comforts and conveniences of our homes. To ensure that the infrastructure available when needed, homeland security decision makers require timely, relevant, high-quality analysis of cyber and physical risks to critical infrastructure across all sectors, during steady-state operations and crisis action.

Priority R&D needs in securing critical infrastructure are:

  • Dependency and Interdependency Analysis
  • Cyber Analysis
  • Risk-Informed Prioritization
In the News
News & Events
  • 06.21.2018 DHS S&T Announces Streamlined and Modernized LRBAA 18-01 Read More