Press Release

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FMCSA Announces Three-Month Extension of Unified Registration System Effective Date.  FMCSA is delaying the implementation of the final stage of the Unified Registration System (URS) until Jan. 14, 2017, with a new full compliance date of April 14, 2017.  The agency is currently updating its information technology systems and undertaking a complex migration of millions of records to remote storage servers.  This work will provide the agency and its state partners a foundation to successfully launch the final stage of URS.  The agency estimates that the initial phase of URS, launched in December 2015, has saved the industry approximately $1.6 million in processing time during the first six months.  To date, FMCSA has issued 62,000 USDOT numbers, removed 340,000 dormant USDOT numbers from agency databases, and screened 100% of operating authority applications for reincarnated carriers.  Click here to read the Federal Register notice.  Contact:  Kurt Larson:  (202) 366-9999.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016
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