S&T Center of Excellence Technology Showcase

S&T Center of Excellence Technology Showcase

S&T's Centers of Excellence Program harnesses the intellectual power of America’s universities for homeland security research, development and education to deliver tools, technologies, knowledge products, training and expertise to the Homeland Security Enterprise. On May 19th, we'll demonstrate some of the tools and technologies available through the COE system!

Homeland Security University Programs: Today's research & Education, Tomorrow's Security

Registration is open!

May 19, 2016 
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center 
Suite G-17
1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW 
Washington, DC 20004

Explore tools and technology or talk to experts in:

Border Security - Explosives Detection  - Risk and Economic Analysis - Natural Hazards - Data & Visual Analytics - Food Defense - Terrorism Studies - Animal Disease Defense - Maritime and Arctic Security - Critical Infrastructure Resilience - Training Opportunities - Hosting Interns - Working with the COEs

See the list of analytical tools that will be showcased on the registration website.

This event is free and open to the public.

For more information on COEs, visit the Virtual Showcase or email universityprograms@hq.dhs.gov.

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