FEMA’s 2014-2018 Strategic Plan will be built around five strategic priorities and two strategic imperatives, described below, to advance the way we do response, recovery, preparedness, protection, and mitigation. As we work through each strategic priority, there will be a public discussion and an opportunity for you to help inform these planning efforts.

On Thursday, December 19, 2013, FEMA conducted a stakeholder webinar to introduce the initial draft of the strategic objectives that will inform the Plan. Visit the FEMA website to view the slide presentation.

We encourage you to join our discussion as we work to identify: integrated strategic objectives, strategies for implementing those strategic objectives, desired outcomes, and performance measures and indicators for the years ahead.

The five strategic priorities are:

The two strategic imperatives that frame the strategic planning efforts are, “A Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management” and “Foster Innovation and Learning.” Details on the strategic priorities and imperatives can be found in The FEMA Administrator’s Intent Priorities Fiscal Years (FY) 2015-2019.

Please share your ideas and perspectives on each of the five strategic priorities to help define the way ahead for FEMA.

Campaign: Input on FEMA’s Strategic Plan

FEMA Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan

Ok - so this may be WAY outside the box BUT I would like to pose the following - FEMA regions publish a regional hazard mitigation plan. THIS way they can collaborate with OTHER federal agencies, States, Locals and Tribes to complete a regional plan. The regional plan can follow the overall crosswalk and will create the opportunity for true federal collaboration. AND FEMA will not only understand their regions better ...more »

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8 votes
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1 down votes

Campaign: Input on FEMA’s Strategic Plan

Organize (emergency supplies) gift exchange events at homes

Please do not give a quick thumbs down on this idea; however,it just may get more people to stock up on emergency supplies before the next major disaster. In addition, it may get neighbors together when a lot them have never even talked to each other. This may also help break the ice for neighbors to get together more in the future, as well. Can neighbors, as well as families, book club members, Sunday school church ...more »

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Campaign: Input on FEMA’s Strategic Plan

Can license plates GPS chips solve many problems?

As a parent of 3 kids, I am always concerned about their safety. I wonder if today's technology can keep them that way. Cars should be stocked with the latest high tech stuff to solve many problems. GPS chips would be installed within your license plates to make this system to work. (They could create a warning if these license plates are being removed.) These chips will deactivate text-messaging service, if the car ...more »

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12 down votes

Displaying all 3 Ideas