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More important than one groundhog's shadow? DOT's Smart City Challenge

More important than one groundhog's shadow? DOT's Smart City Challenge

If you're Punxsutawney Phil, whether you see your shadow today or not, you're going to be missing out. Because the sight to see in the first week of February 2016 --at least around DOT-- is not your shadow; it's the applications being submitted by mid-sized cities for our Smart City Challenge.

The Smart City Challenge applications could determine something far more important than the duration of this single winter, which is --let's face it-- already halfway over. They could show us how we can manage the transportation challenges we'll be facing in the next 30 years.

But first, they have to make their way to DOT...by February 4.

One approach to Smart Cities
Might a Smart City implement PED-SIG?

The challenge is our national competition to show what's possible when communities use technology to connect transportation assets into an interactive network. We're seeking bold, data-driven ideas that improve lives by making transportation safer, easier, and more reliable. And we'll be helping the winning city demonstrate its plan with up to $40 million in funding, plus extra support from Paul Allen's Vulcan, Inc., and from Mobileye.

We'll have more to say about the Smart City Challenge after the upcoming deadline --did we mention that it's this Thursday, February 4?-- so please stay tuned.

And, to those of you who are part of a Smart City Challenge city team, stop reading this blog post and finish up your application because we can't wait to read it!

Have questions about your Smart City Challenge application? Email us at smartcitychallenge@dot.gov and check out our three Question & Answer pages at www.transportation.gov/smartcity.

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