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Marine Corps Combat Service Support Schools


Marine Corps Combat Service Support Schools

Camp Johnson, NC


Your MCCSSS/Camp Johnson Religious Ministry Team
Commercial (910) 450-0991/0090, DSN: 750-0991/0090 
Fax: 910-450-0866, DSN 750-0866
Who is the Chaplain? 
The chaplain is an ordained clergy person (minister, priest, rabbi or imam) who is on active duty to serve Marines, Sailors and their families by providing worship opportunities, counseling and ensuring spiritual needs are met.  The chaplain is a Staff Officer to the Commanding Officer.

What does the Chaplain do? 
·   Conducts worship and provide sacramental rites in his/her own religious tradition.
·   Facilitates religious opportunities for all faith groups.
·   Provides confidential counseling.
·   Conducts training on relative subjects.
·   Visits ill and wounded Marines and Sailors.
·   Provides community outreach opportunities.
·   Advises the Command on issues of morale and well-being.

Camp Johnson

- Protestant Divine Service:  Sunday 0830
- Eastern Orthodox Services:  Sunday 1000
- Feast Day & Special Services as announced
- Bible Study & Prayer: Tuesday 1830 Four Corners Recreation
Camp Lejeune

- Click here for the Camp Lejeune Base Chapel Schedule
MCAS New River

- Catholic Service:  Sunday 0900
- Protestant Service: Sunday 1100
- Gospel:  Sunday 1300
MCCSSS/Camp Johnson Chaplain's Office: (Chapel - Bldg. M116)   450-0090/0991

MCB Command Duty Officer: (After 1630) (910) 451-2414

MCCSSS AOD: (910) 450-1045

Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital: (Hospital Information) (910) 450-4300

American Red Cross: (910) 451-2173 or 1-877-272-7337 (24hr)

CREDO (Chaplains Religious Enrichment Development Operation: (910) 450-1668

Marine Corps Family Team Building: (910) 451-9380