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Presidio Parkway

Presidio Parkway
Project Type: 
Roadways and Bridges
Sponsor / Borrower: 
San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA)
Golden Link Concessionaire, LLC (GLC)
Credit Agreement Status: 
TIFIA Assistance: 
$150 million
Primary Revenue Pledge: 
Availability Payments
Project Cost Details: 

Estimated Total Cost: $851.6 million

Duration / Status: 

Phase I:

  • Construction to be completed late 2014/early 2015

Phase II:

  • P3 Agreement with Golden Link Concessionaire signed on January 3, 2011 (commercial close).
  • Pre-construction began mid-2011
  • Financial close: June 14, 2012
  • Major construction start: Partial Notice to Proceed 3 (NTP3) was issued by Caltrans on November 6, 2012 which identified many conditions required to be met by the Golden Link Concessionaire (GLC), before beginning the major construction of the project
  • Expected completion: October 2015
  • Duration of concession: 30 years
Fiscal Year Closed: 
Project Description: 

The Presidio Parkway project is a replacement of Doyle Drive, a 1.6-mile segment of Route 101 in San Francisco that is the southern access to the Golden Gate Bridge, connecting Marin and San Francisco counties and providing a major regional traffic link between the peninsula and North Bay Area counties. The current structure, built in 1936, does not meet current highway standards and is seismically deficient.

The Presidio Parkway project area extends from the Golden Gate Bridge Toll Plaza on the west to Broderick Street on the east, and includes Richardson Avenue, Gorgas Avenue and Marina Boulevard. The Presidio Parkway will be a six-lane facility with a southbound auxiliary lane between the Park Presidio Interchange and the new Presidio access at Girard Road. The roadway will consist of various sections (from the toll plaza east to Richardson Avenue) with a landscaped median:

  • a high-viaduct between the Park Presidio Interchange and the San Francisco National Cemetery (Presidio Viaduct)
  • shallow cut-and-cover tunnels past the cemetery to Battery Blaney (Battery Tunnels)
  • at-grade roadways to the Main Post
  • cut-and-cover tunnels from the Main Post to east of Halleck Street (Main Post Tunnels)
  • a low causeway from Halleck Street to Girard Road
  • at-grade connection to Richardson Avenue

The project is being developed in two phases. Caltrans is responsible for the design, financing and construction of Phase I, currently nearing completion. Phase I, delivered through a traditional design-bid-build process, consists of a replacement bridge at the Park Presidio Interchange, the new southbound Presidio Viaduct, the southbound Battery Tunnel, and a temporary bypass east of the Main Post to allow construction of the Main Post Tunnels and roadway to Richardson Avenue.

Through a competitive procurement process, Caltrans selected a private consortium, the Golden Link Concessionaire, to deliver Phase II as a design, build, finance, operate, and maintain (DBFOM) availability-pay concession. The P3 Project Agreement with GLC was executed on January 3, 2011. GLC will receive milestone payments following substantial completion and quarterly availability payments through the concession period, based on performance.

Phase I construction was substantially completed and opened to the public on April 30, 2012. Because Phase I consists of six contracts to complete the remaining elements of the Presidio Parkway, including the northbound Presidio Viaduct and Battery Tunnel, the Main Post Tunnels, and the new Girard Road interchange with a direct connection to the Presidio, it is expected that the entire Phase I will be completed by late January 2014/early 2015. This phase will also include final landscaping. While several minor construction activities are underway (e.g. site preparation and stormwater prevention, limited demolition and utility relocation), Phase II major construction has not yet begun.

Funding Sources: 

Phase I: $486.9 million

  • Federal funds - $70.8 million
  • ARRA grant - $83.3 million
  • State funds - $229.0 million
  • Local funds - $103.9 million

Phase II: $364.7million

  • Bank Loan - $166.6 million
  • TIFIA Tranche A Loan - $89.8 million
  • TIFIA Tranche B Loan - $60.2 million
  • Parent Company Contribution - $2.6 million
  • Private Equity - $43.0 million
  • TIFIA Capitalized Interest - $2.5 million
Project Delivery / Contract Method: 

Phase I: Design-bid-build

Phase II: DBFOM (design, build, finance, operate, and maintain)

Project Participants: 
Golden Link Partners, LLC
HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions North America
Meridiam Infrastructure
Flatiron West, Inc. - Construction Joint Venture (design-build members)
Kiewit Infrastructure West, Co. - Construction Joint Venture (design-build members)
Project Advisors / Consultants: 

Phase I Construction:

  • C.C. Myers
  • R&L Brosamer

Phase II Project Design:

  • HNTB Corporation

To the Borrower:

  • Scotia Capital, Inc. - Financial advisor
  • Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP - Legal Counsel
  • Moore-McNeil, LLC - Insurance Consultant


  • TIFIA Legal Advisor - Bryant Miller Olive
  • TIFIA Financial Advisor - Montague DeRose and Associates, LLP/High Street Consulting Group, LLC

To Public Sector Sponsor:

  • Sperry Capital, Inc. - Financial Advisor
  • KPMG Corporate Finance LLC - Financial Advisor
  • Nossaman, LLP - Legal Advisor
  • Arup - Technical Advisor to Caltrans
  • Arup-Parsons Brinckerhoff Joint Venture - Technical and Financial Advisor to SFCTA
Project Lender(s): 
TIFIA Credit Assistance Detail: 

Direct Loan: $150.0 million

TIFIA credit assistance totals $150 million and is structured into two tranches, to reflect the two distinct sources of repayment and state and local funding limitations. The $89.8 million short-term loan (Tranche A) is to be repaid fully following substantial completion in the form of a milestone payment. The $60.2 million long-term loan (Tranche B) is to be repaid using the non-Federal portion of the quarterly availability payments to GLC during a 28-year period. The TIFIA loans will be secured by a lien on project collateral.

Financial Status: 
TIFIA credit agreement was executed on June 14, 2012. The first TIFIA interest payment is scheduled for June 2016. Principal repayments are scheduled to begin in December 2018. Level debt service payments commence in 2019. The final maturity of the TIFIA loan is December 2045.
  • California's first P3 transaction under its new (2009) legislation (prior P3 projects include the South Bay Expressway and SR 91 Express Lanes)
  • California's first availability payment contract for transportation infrastructure
  • First project with direct Federal-aid participation in availability payments.
  • First TIFIA loan to be repaid in part with a milestone payment following substantial completion.
  • Incorporation of numerous Context Sensitive Design features to minimize traffic impacts and to protect and enhance environmental and cultural resources.
Project Contacts: 

Kome Ajise, P3 Program Manager 
California Department of Transportation 
1120 N Street, MS 49, Sacramento, CA 95814 
Tel: (916) 654 4227

Leroy L. Saage, PE, Deputy Director for Capital Projects 
San Francisco County Transportation Authority 
1455 Market Street, 22nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 
Tel: (415) 522-4800 
Fax: (415) 522-4829

Bob Kuo, CEO 
Golden Link Concessionaire, LLC 
Tel: (925) 899-6421

Presidio project costs ($852 million) include Phases 1 and 2 and credit amount is based on two tranches of TIFIA debt.
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