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Wildland Fire Safety

Prevention and Education - Home with defensible space.

Fire-Adapted Communities are prepared for wildland fire.


Nationwide, more than 75,000 wildfires are reported each year. About nine out of ten fires are caused by people. Wildfires destroy homes and damage wildlife habitat and watersheds that provide drinking water for millions of people.

Arson fires are set deliberately, but people cause fires in many ways: unattended campfires; fireworks; sparks from equipment or vehicles without working spark arrestors; or burning leaves and debris. Wildfires started by cigarettes tossed from cars or by children playing with matches can be deadly too. It’s everyone’s job to prevent human-caused wildfires.

It’s always wildfire season somewhere in the U.S. Be prepared! Know what to do before a wildfire strikes your area. Prepare your home and your community.


Fire Adapted Communities

Fire Adapted Communities logo

Communities that adapt to wildfire understand the risk and take individual and collective steps to prepare for wildfire.

Learn more about Fire Adapted Communities

Community Wildfire Protection Plans

Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) help communities address wildfire response, community preparedness, and structure protection. Through CWPPs, communities can influence how and where federal agencies reduce hazardous fuels.


The Firewise program is a multi-agency effort to help homeowners, community leaders, planners, and developers work together to protect people, property, and natural resources from the risk of wildland fire— before a fire approaches. The Firewise program emphasizes wildfire readiness and responsible community design, including fire-resistant building materials and landscaping.



Smokey Bear web site logo
Do you want to know what you can do to prevent wildfires? Click here

Of Interest:

Smokey Bear awards

Related Links:

Ready, Set, Go!

“The RSG! Program help fire departments teach residents to be Ready with preparedness understanding, be Set with situational awareness when fire threatens, and to Go, acting early when a fire starts."






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