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We will be ready for the future...


Due to an increase in retirements and fewer Forest Service personnel Firefighters in morning briefing.volunteering for fire-related assignments, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), through an OIG audit, evaluated whether the Forest Service had adequately planned for the timely replacement of its critical fire management personnel. Like most federal agencies, the Forest Service faces a significant number of retirements over the next 5-10 years. Many of its fire management positions require several years of formal and on-the-job training in order to become certified for firefighting duties. The audit assessed the Forest Service’s plans for recruiting, training, developing, and retaining those personnel who fill these critical fire management positions. The audit also identified barriers affecting the Forest Service’s ability to develop and mobilize the fire management staff needed to fulfill its firefighting mission.

Based on the recommendations from the OIG audit, a Firefighter Workforce and Succession Planning Team was designated to take on this important effort. This web-page will keep all abreast of the work that is being done, as well as the findings from research.

Links of Interest:

Cultural Transformation

"The USDA Forest Service is a high performance agency predicated on inclusion -- diversity at all levels, community outreach and public participation in all our initiatives."

Image of the Cultural Transformation website and link.










Image of the Firefighter Workforce and Succession Planning Newsletter

Firefighter Workforce and Succession Planning Survey:

Firefighters discussing strategy.








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