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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State - November 2015

November 2015 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table - 3. Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State November October
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2015 (Preliminary) 2014 2015 (Revised) 2014
Connecticut 10 164 156 5.3 9 177 175 1.5
Maine 47 472 445 6.2 57 527 513 2.8
Massachusetts 4 120 114 4.7 10 140 136 3.2
New Hampshire 87 331 315 5.1 82 291 281 3.5
New Jersey 3 224 219 2.3 4 252 252 0.2
New York 17 1,090 1,065 2.4 52 1,289 1,262 2.2
Pennsylvania 28 1,955 1,872 4.4 24 2,175 2,144 1.5
Rhode Island 3 58 56 3.6 3 69 72 -3.7
Vermont - 228 221 3.2 - 263 257 2.5
Subtotal 4,642 4,463 4.0 5,183 5,092 1.8
South Atlantic
Delaware 30 123 114 8.4 23 146 142 3.0
District of Columbia - 0 0 0.0 - 0 0 0.0
Florida 95 2,186 2,004 9.0 101 2,239 2,078 7.7
Georgia 49 1,458 1,367 6.7 50 1,543 1,477 4.5
Maryland 21 515 494 4.3 19 540 537 0.6
North Carolina 21 1,652 1,563 5.7 21 1,797 1,772 1.4
South Carolina 62 1,375 1,279 7.5 59 1,383 1,396 -0.9
Virginia 320 1,868 1,781 4.9 318 1,905 1,878 1.4
West Virginia 5 709 673 5.3 8 633 629 0.7
Subtotal 9,886 9,275 6.6 10,186 9,909 2.8
North Central
Illinois 13 1,150 1,152 -0.2 17 1,529 1,487 2.8
Indiana - 1,362 1,301 4.7 - 1,518 1,477 2.8
Iowa 89 1,041 1,014 2.7 88 1,187 1,150 3.2
Kansas 65 803 793 1.2 62 891 866 2.8
Michigan 61 1,400 1,316 6.4 62 1,586 1,525 4.0
Minnesota 21 1,382 1,313 5.2 22 1,539 1,513 1.7
Missouri 82 1,475 1,433 2.9 82 1,489 1,439 3.5
Nebraska 35 736 709 3.8 34 846 807 4.8
North Dakota 23 351 357 -1.7 23 440 460 -4.2
Ohio 49 1,557 1,471 5.8 50 1,694 1,656 2.3
South Dakota 31 371 356 4.3 32 441 425 3.9
Wisconsin 79 1,598 1,517 5.4 79 1,784 1,730 3.1
Subtotal 13,226 12,732 3.9 14,944 14,535 2.8
South Gulf
Alabama 57 1,332 1,265 5.3 54 1,489 1,430 4.1
Arkansas 24 812 785 3.5 24 893 879 1.6
Kentucky 20 1,471 1,389 5.9 23 1,582 1,557 1.6
Louisiana 7 946 911 3.9 7 929 916 1.4
Mississippi 42 1,082 1,036 4.4 44 1,085 1,054 2.9
Oklahoma 44 1,060 1,037 2.2 45 1,095 1,087 0.8
Tennessee 14 1,498 1,405 6.6 17 1,795 1,732 3.6
Texas 100 4,664 4,531 2.9 93 4,841 4,750 1.9
Subtotal 12,865 12,359 4.1 13,709 13,405 2.3
Alaska 31 104 107 -2.5 29 139 135 3.0
Arizona 35 932 889 4.9 50 1,063 1,012 5.0
California 65 3,564 3,348 6.4 69 3,790 3,524 7.5
Colorado 55 951 913 4.1 58 1,061 1,021 3.9
Hawaii 9 52 51 2.6 9 87 85 2.1
Idaho 112 449 417 7.7 104 522 493 5.8
Montana 65 476 452 5.3 67 527 508 3.8
Nevada 32 316 304 4.1 34 353 334 5.8
New Mexico 26 734 718 2.3 28 906 876 3.5
Oregon 103 879 827 6.4 102 1,007 956 5.4
Utah 44 414 392 5.6 39 478 448 6.7
Washington 75 828 790 4.9 66 884 857 3.2
Wyoming 95 364 365 -0.1 93 438 435 0.7
Subtotal 10,063 9,573 5.1 11,255 10,684 5.3
Totals 2,405 50,684 48,402 4.7 2,446 55,279 53,624 3.1

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.

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