2017 Membership Renew
AVMA Journals
Veterinary Career Center




July 07,2016
The AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals reflect AVMA's ongoing commitment to ensure that treatment of animals during every stage of life is as humane and respectful as possible and without unnecessary pain or distress.
June 07,2016
The AVMA House of Delegates will consider several proposed resolutions and bylaws changes during its annual session in August. Learn about the proposals and voice your opinion by connecting with your HOD delegates. Here's how.
April 11,2016
The AVMA Board of Directors has approved revisions to the Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics that include a broad-based statement on diversity, including gender identity.
April 12,2016
The Board of Directors approved formation of a wellness steering committee and a wide range of economics initiatives, among other items, at its Spring meeting.
April 11,2016
The AVMA is committed to diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the veterinary profession so we can best serve animals, the public and our members.
January 25,2016
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the AVMA, which relies on your experience and expertise to help make decisions and formulate policy. Please consider serving on one of our policy-making and advisory panels.



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