HSARPA Program Managers

HSARPA Program Managers

Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency program managers concentrate on borders and maritime security, chemical and biological defense, cybersecurity, explosives threats and infrastructure protection.

Group Name Program Focus Area Email
BMD Charlotte Sullivan Commerce Technological Efficiencies Cargo container security, cargo security sandt.bordersmaritime@hq.dhs.gov
  David Masters Currency Detection, Invasive Species, Counterfeit Goods Detection, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Collection Efficiency, Pollen Forensics, Tunnel Age, Tunnel Detection Prototype Development Cargo container security, cargo security, cargo validation, tunnel detection and surveillance; land border security  sandt.bordersmaritime@hq.dhs.gov
  Dave Taylor Currency Detection, Conveyance Void and Deck Anomaly Detector, Mid-Level Energy Scanning System Upgrades, Mobile Backscatter Scanning System Cargo validation; cargo security sandt.bordersmaritime@hq.dhs.gov
  Leslee Shumway Automatic Scene Understanding/ CUSSP, Slash Camera Pole, radio frequency sensing underground system (UGS), Buried Tripwire, UGS Classification Algorithms and Testing Ground-based technologies, land border security sandt.bordersmaritime@hq.dhs.gov
  Marilyn Rudzinski GPS Spoofing Countermeasures, Moving Target Indicator, RAMPS (Robotic Aircraft for Maritime Public Safety), Sense and Avoid Systems for unarmed aerial systems (UAS), Other Office of Air Marine (OAM) Priorities, RAPS Phase II (Robotic Aircraft for Public Safety), Severe Storm small unmanned aerial systems (SUAS) Air-based technologies, land border security sandt.bordersmaritime@hq.dhs.gov
  Mark Kaczmarek Automatic Scene Understanding/ CUSSP Ground-based technologies, land border security sandt.bordersmaritime@hq.dhs.gov
  MK Tribbie Arctic Communications, costal Surveillance Pilot, Intelligent Exploration of Information, Integrated Maritime Domain Enterprise Arctic communications and technology,  port and coastal surveillance; maritime border security sandt.bordersmaritime@hq.dhs.gov
CBD Angela Ervin Agricultural Screening Tools, Standoff Detection, Autonomous Rapid Facility Chemical Agent Monitor, Chemical Detector Field Experiments, Integrated Chemical Detection System, Lightweight Autonomous Chemical Identification Sensor Biosurveillance
detection and diagnostics
response and recovery, detection and diagnostics
  Anne Hultgren Detect to Protect, BioWatch Gen2 Enhancements, Next-Gen Biodetection, Viable Bioparticle Capture Detection and Diagnostics SandTChemBio@hq.dhs.gov
  David Hodge BioAssays, Rapid Diagnostic Capability Detection and Diagnostics SandTChemBio@hq.dhs.gov
  David Shepherd Biodefense Knowledge Center Threat awareness SandTChemBio@hq.dhs.gov
  Don Bansleben Urban Modeling, Smart City, Underground Transport Restoration Response and Recovery SandTChemBio@hq.dhs.gov
  George Famini Chemical Security Analysis Center Threat awareness SandTChemBio@hq.dhs.gov
  John Julius Surveillance of Emerging BioThreats Threat awareness
detection and diagnostics
  John Korslund Enhanced Passive Surveillance Biosurveillance SandTChemBio@hq.dhs.gov
  Kevin Anderson BioAssays, Rapid Diagnostic Capability Detection and Diagnostics SandTChemBio@hq.dhs.gov
  Matthew Moe BioForensics Operations National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBFAC), BioThreat Characterization Response and recovery, threat awareness SandTChemBio@hq.dhs.gov
  Michelle Colby Foreign Animal Disease Modeling, Foreign Animal Disease Vaccines, Diagnostics and Countermeasures, Overseas Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccine Experiment, Livestock Depopulation, Disposal, and Decontamination  Biosurveillance
detection and diagnostics
response and recovery, detection and diagnostics
response and recovery
  Robert Bull Chemical Forensics and Attribution, BioForensics research and development, BioForensics Operations (NBFAC)  Response and recovery SandTChemBio@hq.dhs.gov
  Randolph Long Integrated Consortium of Laboratory Networks, Chemical Security Analysis Center Response and recovery, threat awareness SandTChemBio@hq.dhs.gov
  Scott White BioTerrorism Risk Assessment, Integrated Terrorism Risk Assessment Threat awareness SandTChemBio@hq.dhs.gov
  Traci Pals Foreign Animal Disease Control in Wildlife, Single Cell Genomics, BioForensics Operations (NBFAC) Detection and diagnostics, response and recovery SandTChemBio@hq.dhs.gov
CSD Ann Cox Internet Measurement and Attack Modeling (IMAM) Cybersecurity, Internet measurement, network security monitoring SandT-Cyber-Liaison@hq.dhs.gov
  Dan Massey Cyber Physical Systems Security (CPSSEC), Distributed Denial of Service Defense (DDoSD),
Homeland Open Security Technologies (HOST), Secure Protocols for the Routing Infrastructure (SPRI)
Cybersecurity, cyber physical systems, smart devices, denial of service attacks, open source, security of Internet addressing and routing




  Doug Maughan Research Data Repository (PREDICT) Cybersecurity, research data repository, cyber ethics SandT-Cyber-Liaison@hq.dhs.gov
  Ed Rhyne Cybersecurity Competitions,
Moving Target Defense (MTD),
Secure Cloud Computing
Cybersecurity, cyber education, attack mitigation, moving target defense, cloud computing SandT-Cyber-Liaison@hq.dhs.gov
  Greg Wigton Distributed Environment for Critical Infrastructure Decision Making Exercises (DECIDE), Enterprise Level Security Metrics,
Experimental Research Testbed (DETER),
Experiments and Pilots, Process Control Systems (PCS) Security,
Linking the Oil and Gas Industry to Improve Cybersecurity (LOGIIC),
Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIP-G),  Useable Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity, finance sector testing tool, security metrics and supporting tools and techniques, research testbed, oil and gas sector consortium, power grid security SandT-Cyber-Liaison@hq.dhs.gov
  Joe Kielman Tailored Trustworthy Spaces (TTS),
Cyber Economic Incentives
Cybersecurity, computer networks and information security, cyber economic incentives SandT-Cyber-Liaison@hq.dhs.gov
  Karyn Higa-Smith Identity and Access Management,
Data Privacy Technologies
Cybersecurity, identity, data privacy SandT-Cyber-Liaison@hq.dhs.gov
  Kevin Greene Software Assurance Marketplace (SWAMP), Software Quality Assurance Cybersecurity, software assurance, security weaknesses and vulnerabilities, software analysis tools and testing SandT-Cyber-Liaison@hq.dhs.gov
  Megan Mahle Cybersecurity Forensics,
Insider Threat
Cybersecurity, cyber forensics, acquiring and analyzing digital evidence, infotainment forensics, insider threat SandT-Cyber-Liaison@hq.dhs.gov
  Mike Pozmantier Transition to Practice (TTP) Cybersecurity, transition to practice, commercializing technology ST.TTP@HQ.DHS.GOV
  Scott Tousley Assessment and Evaluation,
Cyber Incident Response Communities
Cybersecurity, cyber assessment and evaluation, Cybersecurity Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) SandT-Cyber-Liaison@hq.dhs.gov
  Vincent Sritapan Mobile Technology Security Cybersecurity, mobile technology, mobile security SandT-Cyber-Liaison@hq.dhs.gov
EXD David Throckmorton Air Cargo Air cargo screening, explosives trace detection, X-ray, mass spectrometry sandt.explosives@hq.dhs.gov
  Don Roberts Canine Explosives Detection, Mass Transit Test and evaluation, biological detector, person search canine, genetics, odor recognition testing, subway, ferry, buses, crowd screening, leave behind threats, unattended packages, improvised explosive devices, person borne threats sandt.explosives@hq.dhs.gov
  Elizabeth Obregon Homemade Explosives Characterization Homemade explosives, improvised explosives, explosives precursors, explosives inerting sandt.explosives@hq.dhs.gov
  Jim Viar NextGen Passenger Checkpoint Passenger screening, carry-on baggage, bottle screening sandt.explosives@hq.dhs.gov
  Joe Foster Standoff Detection Standoff detection, vehicle borne improvised devices, vehicles, facilities protection, suicide bomber sandt.explosives@hq.dhs.gov
  Laura Parker Trace Detection secondary screening, swabbing, passenger screening sandt.explosives@hq.dhs.gov
  Mike Shepard Standoff Detection Standoff detection, vehicle borne improvised devices, vehicles, facilities protection, suicide bomber sandt.explosives@hq.dhs.gov
  Nelson Carey Aircraft Vulnerability Commercial aircraft explosives vulnerability, blast mitigation, blast containment, live-fire explosives testing,  sandt.explosives@hq.dhs.gov
  Sharene Young Checked Baggage Luggage, screening, bags, X-ray, checked bags sandt.explosives@hq.dhs.gov
HSARPA Angela Blair Drinking Water Resilience Critical infrastructure, water, aging infrastructure, modeling and simulation, utilities, interdependencies SandT.RSD@hq.dhs.gov
  Chase Garwood Standard Unified Modeling Mapping Integrated Toolkit -Response (SUMMIT-R) Modeling, simulation, real-time, cascading effects, situational awareness, planning and response, threat and hazard identification and risk assessment SandT.RSD@hq.dhs.gov
  Chris Miles Rapid DNA Identity, DNA, biometrics, family relationships SandT.RSD@hq.dhs.gov
  Darren Wilson Screening Training and Selection Threat detection decision making, training, Transportation Security Administration, Transportation Security Officer, training, training enhancement, best practices, X-ray, threat detection, performance improvement SandT.RSD@hq.dhs.gov
  John Fortune Resilient Structures and Facilities, Resilient Tunnel Plug, Wide Area Surveillance

Critical infrastructure, tunnel plug, flooding, blast protection, resilient materials,

critical infrastructure, 360 degree camera, surveillance, video, high resolution, video analytics, rapid searching, video forensics, global supply chain

  Kai-Dee Chu Hostile Intent Detection and Surveillance Behavioral screening, video-based observation analysis, targeting process, behavior detection, high-risk passengers SandT.RSD@hq.dhs.gov
  Patty Wolfhope Biometrics Mobile biometrics, facial recognition, biometric testing SandT.RSD@hq.dhs.gov
  Sarah Mahmood GPS Vulnerability Assessment in the Critical Infrastructure Anti-jamming, anti-spoofing, position navigation and timing (PNT), GPS disruption detection and localization, jammer detection SandT.RSD@hq.dhs.gov

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