America’s Safe Schools Week

America’s Safe Schools Week, occurs annually during the third full week in October.  The next America’s Safe School Week is October 16-22, 2016.  Activities conducted during America’s Safe Schools Week will draw attention to the continuing problem of school violence and educate everyone about how schools can be made safer and more secure. America’s Safe Schools Week offers an opportunity to address this very important issue and to take steps to ensure that schools offer students and teachers an environment in which they can perform to the best of their abilities.

National SAVE Day is the Wednesday of America’s Safe School’s Week and the National Rock-A-Thon to benefit SAVE takes place on the Friday of America’s Safe Schools Week. Be sure to let National SAVE know about your activities during this important week and check out our Question Of the Month (QOM) page to see what other chapters are doing!

Want to help spread the message via social media? Utilize our Social Media Guide:

 Suggested Activities for Schools:

  • “Reach out to the Un-Reached.” Challenge all students to get to know at least one student they currently do not know well during National Safe Schools Week.
  • Invite School Resource Officers or local law enforcers to make presentations to students on child safety, drug abuse prevention, and juvenile justice practices and policies.
  • Prepare a school safety public information brochure or fact sheet.
  • Coordinate a school safety workshop.
  • Develop a suggestion box for suggestions to improve school climate.
  • Decorate a bulletin board at the school, library or local business to spread the violence prevention message.
  • Coordinate a nonviolence pledge signing. This can be one large banner that all students and faculty can sign or individual pledges that can be signed and then displayed.
  • Conduct contests:
    • Entire Student Body – challenge all students and faculty to be FIGHT FREE for the entire week. If there are no fights for the entire week, reward the students.
    • Class Level – conduct a contest between grade levels to see how many students will sign nonviolence pledges and then remain fight-free for the week.
    • Essay/Poetry Contest – conduct a nonviolent essay/poetry contest. Have the winning essay/poem read on Friday at an event or over the morning announcements.
    • Poster Contest – Have a poster contest on, “How To Make the World a Better Place” or some other violence prevention theme. Display posters during safe schools week and let students/faculty vote on the winning poster.

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