Job Experience Levels

Job Experience Levels

Ready to make an impact?  Click here to get startedNo matter where you are in your career—at the very beginning of your professional career, transitioning to the federal government mid-career, or another stage in your career—the Department of Homeland Security has a place for you.

Students and Recent Graduates

Learn about Student and Recent Graduate Job Opportunities, including internships, fellowships and training programs available across the Department.

Experienced Professionals

Experienced Professionals can offer technical skills and management experience to contribute to the homeland security mission. Explore meaningful career opportunities today.


The Department offers Retirees meaningful work opportunities, including short- and long-term projects, on a part-time or flexible schedule.


The Department is committed to recruiting and employing eligible Veterans for suitable jobs.

Persons with Disabilities who hold a certification eligibility letter from a State Vocational Rehabilitation Office or the Department of Veterans Affairs may apply for Homeland Security employment opportunities through one of several special hiring authorities. Applicants with certification eligibility letters may apply directly to a Homeland Security Selective Placement Coordinator to be considered for a job.

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