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U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve


U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve

Augment. Reinforce. Support.

2000 Opelousas Ave., New Orleans, LA 70114
Executive Officer, Marine Aircraft Group 49 Lieutenant Colonel William E. Kiraly

LtCol Kiraly was commissioned in January 1990 from Penn State University.  After being commissioned, he attended The Basic School with Charlie Company in spring of 1990, graduating in August 1990.  He reported to Naval Flight Training immediately after TBS and awaited training from September through January 1991.  During this period, LtCol Kiraly attended Aircraft Maintenance Officer School and earned a secondary MOS as a 6002, AMO.  LtCol participated in primary flight training in Whiting Field, FL, where he was selected for the Strike pipeline at NAS Kingsville.  LtCol Kiraly was winged in June 1993 and was selected for the EA-6B Prowler.  After a year of training in NAS Whidbey Island, he reported to his fleet squadron, VMAQ-4 in Nov 1994.   

With the Seahawks, LtCol Kiraly deployed twice to Italy in support of Operation Deny Flight over the former Yugoslavia, in the winter of 1994-95 and fall of 1996.  Between his deployments in Italy, LtCol Kiraly deployed to MCAS Iwakuni in the summer of 1995.  Throughout his time in VMAQ-4, LtCol Kiraly worked as a maintenance officer with airframes and quality assurance divisions.  Upon returning from his final deployment, LtCol Kiraly received orders to VT-21, NAS Kingsville, as a flight instructor in the advance strike syllabus, flying the T-45A.  In addition to his primary duties as a flight instructor, LtCol Kiraly served as a schedule officer, weapons standardization officer and weapons detachment Officer-in-Charge.   

In March of 2000, LtCol Kiraly resigned from the Marine Corps and accepted a position with American Airlines.  Initially being based at Miami and then Washington DC as a Flight Engineer on the B-727 before being transferred to New York where he was type rated in the B-757/767.  Throughout the next 5 years, LtCol Kiraly flew primarily throughout Europe, South America and the Caribbean.  In March 2005, the effects of September 11 and the stagnated economy finally took its toll on American and LtCol Kiraly was furloughed for 25 months.  During this time, he started his own IT business which he successfully operated until its sale in January 2011.  In 2008, he was recalled to American Airlines and continued flying the B-757/767 on similar routes.  In December 2014, LtCol upgraded to the 777 and currently flies to London, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo.    

LtCol Kiraly rejoined the SMCR in May 2010, as a transition pilot with VMGR-452.  In the first 2 ½ yrs with the “Yankees,” LtCol Kiraly mobilized twice in support of MARFOREUR’s Theater Security Cooperation exercise, Black Sea Rotational Force 2011 & 2012.  He participated as the Aviation Combat Element (ACE) Operations Officer and Executive Officer.  The experience allowed LtCol Kiraly the opportunity to meet and train with Officers and Soldiers from several Eastern European Partner Nations.  LtCol Kiraly earned his Transport Plane Commander (TPC) qualification in the summer of 2012 and was designated as an Assistant NATOPS Instructor in 2014.  

In November 2012, LtCol Kiraly deployed to CENTCOM as the Det OIC for VMGR-452 Det F.  Det F consisted of 53 Marines and 2 KC-130T aircraft and was part of MAG-40, initially, and then MAG-50, based in Bahrain.  Upon returning from the six month deployment, LtCol Kiraly assumed the duties as Executive Officer for VMGR-452.  LtCol Kiraly remained in this capacity until June 2015, when he transferred to MAG-49 and assumed the duties as the Executive Officer.    

LtCol Kiraly is a First Degree Black Belt in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program.  LtCol Kiraly has received an Air Medal, Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medal and the Navy-Marine Corps Achievement Medal (x3).