
The Center for Transportation Analysis (CTA) in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) develops integrated inter-modal transportation solutions through innovative and cost-effective research and development. CTA's activities encompass transportation energy and environmental concerns, safety and security challenges, planning and policy issues, systems engineering, military transportation, and transit visibility. Our research and development have contributed to the efficient, safe and free movement of people and goods in our Nation's transportation systems.

For the past two decades, CTA's work has been funded by both the public and private sectors. Our sponsors have included the U. S. Departments of Energy, Transportation, and Defense; Federal Emergency Management Agency; Environmental Protection Agency; Bureau of Census; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; State Departments of Transportation; local planning organizations; National Research Council; and General Motors Corporation. Collaboration and partnerships with academia keep CTA staff attuned to the state-of-the art research and development.

Staffed by 28 professional and administrative staff, CTA has an annual operating budget of more than $30 million. Expertise of CTA staff is extensive and diverse, ranging from risk assessment, to policy analysis, to systems and software development, to military mobilization. Collectively, CTA staff serve on 30 national committees and expert panels. The Director of CTA is David E. Smith.


2015 Vehicle Technologies Market Report
The 2015 Vehicle Technologies Market Report was released April 28, 2016 via the web. The report details the major trends in U.S. light-duty vehicle and medium/heavy truck markets. This report is produced by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Edition 34 of the Transportation Energy Data Book Released
The Transportation Energy Data Book (TEDB) is a compendium of data on transportation with an emphasis on energy. Designed for use as a desktop reference, the TEDB was first published in 1976 and has continued to Edition 34. The TEDB is produced by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Numerous CTA Staff gave presentations at the DOE Annual Merit Review Meeting, June 6-10, 2016.
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) 2016 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meetings for the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program and the Vehicle Technologies Program were held June 6-10, 2016. Numerous CTA Staff presented at this event.