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DHS Information Quality Standards

The purpose of this page is to inform the public about the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Information Quality practices and guidelines.


Public Law 106-554, Section 515, otherwise known as the Data Quality Act (or Information Quality) requires Federal agencies to issue guidelines ensuring and maximizing the quality, utility, objectivity, and integrity of information disseminated by the Federal government.  The Data Quality Act was enacted in December 2000 and builds on the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).  Information Quality applies to agencies subject to the PRA.


Information Quality is unique in its scope in that it includes influential scientific, financial, and statistical information (not operational information such as agency street address, contact information, typos, etc.).  If a Federal agency releases influential scientific, financial, or statistical information to the public, and a person or persons deem it erroneous, then the person/persons may petition the government to correct the error.

DHS Information Quality

In February 2002, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memorandum that all Federal agencies issue and implement Information Quality Guidelines.  In response to this memorandum, DHS issued and implemented guidelines (Directive and Instruction) to meet the requirements.

In order to ensure the accuracy and integrity of its published information, DHS follows a standardized process wherein the information undergoes internal peer review.  DHS maintains the highest standards possible for published information to ensure integrity and transparency.

The Data Quality Act requires each agency to develop an administrative mechanism for receiving complaints and appeals regarding Information Quality.  Within this structure, any person or organization may assert a claim that DHS information does not comply with OMB guidelines, and, if appropriate, may petition for correction or remedy.  Using the administrative mechanism as outlined below in the Instruction Guide, affected persons can seek, and obtain where appropriate, timely correction of DHS information that does not comply with OMB or DHS guidelines.  Address any questions or concerns to DHS.InfoQuality@HQ.DHS.GOV

Refer to the following:

DHS Component Information Quality Webpages:

Peer Reviews

  • Based on a review conducted, the Department of Homeland Security (through the Science and Technology Directorate) believes that is does not currently produce or sponsor the distribution of influential scientific information (including highly influential scientific assessments) within the definitions promulgated by OMB.  As a result, at this time the Department of Homeland Security has no agenda of forthcoming influential scientific disseminations to post on its website in accordance with OMB’s Memorandum M-05-03, “Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review.”

Information Quality Reports


Please direct feedback regarding DHS data quality issues to:

Department of Homeland Security
ATTN:  Chief Information Officer/Information Quality Officer
245 Murray Lane, SW, Mail Stop 0136
Washington, DC  20528

Fax Number: 202-343-2530

When petitioning for correction or remedy, please make sure you include:

  • Description of the information deemed to need correction;
  • Manner in which the information does not comply with the information quality guidelines;
  • Manner disseminated and, if available, date of dissemination;
  • Specific error(s) cited for correction and proposed correction or remedy, if any;
  • How the person was affected and how correction would benefit them; and
  • Petitioner's contact information for DHS to reply on whether and how the correction will be made.
Last Published Date: April 13, 2016

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