Note: This particular conversation topic is closed. Thank you for your ideas, comments and votes. You can contribute to our open Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) conversations -- they are listed in the left column of the page under "Active Campaigns."

The ideas we received so far were helpful in shaping the document and will also be considered as we continue to forge ahead in meeting the remaining milestones under PPD-8. To learn more about the status of PPD-8 efforts, visit We appreciate your involvement.


FEMA needs your help as it develops planning guidance to help all partners work together on disaster recovery efforts. This document will support stakeholders as they implement the National Disaster Recovery Framework. The guide will identify structures and processes for states, tribes and communities to organize for recovery, and will include information on conducting needs assessments, recovery planning, multi-stakeholder coordination, and partnership development. It will cover both intermediate and long-term recovery.

How you can help:

FEMA and its partners want to discuss recovery state and local guidance here with you. We welcome your thoughts and ideas on the following topics:

  • Information, guidance and tools that would help you and your community prepare for recovery.
  • Ways in which individuals, businesses, community organizations, and local and state governments work together on recovery planning.
  • Challenges that are involved in preparing for recovery and implementing recovery plans.

Campaign: Recovery Planning Guidance

Long Term Recovery

FEMA's Long Term, Community Recovery efforts should be enhanced by: 1. Providing more detailed training for DAE's prior to an event. 2. Allow for capacity building efforts to the affected areas with the LTCR process. 3. Minimize DAE turnover by providing health benfits and some stipends between deployments. This would ensure that trained DAE's remain with the progrm. 4. To the extent possible establsih conistency ...more »

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3 votes
6 up votes
3 down votes

Campaign: Recovery Planning Guidance

Grant structure paradigm shift

At the moment, most Emergency Managers think of Recovery as the grant programs that help to fund it: IA and PA. In line with the NDRF and more recent long-term recovery research, State and Federal government representatives need to implement a more customer service oriented approach. A community develops and drives a project idea, the state and federal government identify ways to resource and provide technical assistance ...more »

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6 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: Recovery Planning Guidance

Post-Disaster Redevelopment Plan

The City of Kissimmee, FL is developing an operational post-disaster redevelopment plan (focused on implementation after an event). I'm not comfortable sharing their outline yet since their plan is still under development, but I do think this is the type of planning effort that we should encourage nationwide.

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9 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: Recovery Planning Guidance

Keeping Medical Information With Evacuated Patients

It is important in a mass evacuation to keep all information about patients WITH the patients. Keeping all information updated on a facility computer system, evacuations can be made with the patient's medical information on his person. This can be done by downloading his records to a small drive or memory card. This will be attached to the patient via a wristband or necklace and will travel with the patient. That ...more »

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8 votes
8 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Recovery Planning Guidance

Mitigation and the Insurance and Banking Industry

Insurance companies and mortgage lenders should have an incentive to support and assist business and homeowners in mitigating their structures. Greater resilience means less losses, win-win right? However, there have only been moderate successes in partnering between EM and these industries (FLASH is the only one that comes to mind in Florida but there may be others). How can we further this partnership and to what ...more »

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9 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: Recovery Planning Guidance


Acceptance is a central concept for pre-event disaster recovery planning. Once a city accepts that a major hazard event will occur the dialogue between stakeholders (government, civil society and commerce) can begin. Acceptance clears the way for in-depth risk analysis, dialogue on what to do about the risks and then the actions needed recovery after the event occurs. Simply look to Roseville, CA., Berkeley, CA., and ...more »

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4 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: Recovery Planning Guidance

private restoration companies engagement in recovery

Allocate local restoration companies right after the event. It is a way to optimize the use of resources, energies, and expertise to help as many survivors as possible. Often times, the local restorers know better about the communities they serve, the residents trust them more, which smooth the way of recovery. As time is the key of response and recovery, and it's a good way to seize the prime time for best recovery practice. ...more »

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4 down votes

Campaign: Recovery Planning Guidance

Planning for Recovery

The pressures brought forward by communities to rebuild to pre-disaster conditions as quickly as possible remains a powerful factor in emergency management. We need to shift our thinking and restrain such pressures by identifying in advance decisions that will need to be made after an event that are likely to have long-term repercussions. Short-term recovery issues can have an adverse affect on long-term recovery goals. ...more »

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5 votes
5 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Recovery Planning Guidance

Private house/condo repair and recovery

Allocate the local restoration companies to fully optimize the use of resource, energy, and expertise in the aftermath of disasters, especially the regional ones. Sometimes the local restoration companies know more about the communities they serve and can better get work done within the golden window of recovery.

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-1 votes
3 up votes
4 down votes

Displaying all 10 Ideas