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Management Directives Volume 0000 - General Management and Administration

Department of Homeland Security Management Directives Volume 0000 - General Management and Administration

PDF icon Accountability and Control of Classified Laptop Computers, Instruction 121-01-003 (12 pages)114.53 KB
PDF icon Acquisition Certification Requirements for Program Manager, Management Directive 0782 (27 pages)338.18 KB
PDF icon Acquisition Line of Business Integration and Management, Management Directive 0003 (14 pages)78.95 KB
PDF icon Acquisition of Department of Homeland Security Employee Business Cards, Management Directive 0570 (3 pages)32.07 KB
PDF icon Acquisition Oversight Program, Management Directive 0784 (9 pages)133.42 KB
PDF icon Acquisition Management Directive, Directive 102-01 (10 pages)66.59 KB
PDF icon Acquisition Professional Career Information - Directive 064-04 (3 pages)27 KB
PDF icon Administrative Services Line of Business Integration and Management, Management Directive 0004 (12 pages)561.63 KB
PDF icon Assistance Programs for Inclusion in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, Management Directive 0580 (6 pages)44.52 KB
PDF icon Assistance Programs Funding Opportunities, Public Notification Process for, Management Directive 0772 (7 pages)50.85 KB
PDF icon Aviation Concept of Operations, Management Directive 0021 (14 pages)92.4 KB
PDF icon Aviation Management and Safety, Management Directive 0020.1 (36 pages)244.97 KB
PDF icon Safety and Health Programs, Directive 066-01, (6 pages)39.8 KB
PDF icon Care and Use of Animals in Research, Directive 026-01 (7 pages)50.78 KB
PDF icon Communications with the White House Regarding Open Investigations Adjudications or Civil and Criminal Enforcement Actions, Manag62.97 KB
PDF icon Compliance With, and Implementation of, Arms Control Agreements, Directive 041-41 (4 pages)35.65 KB
PDF icon Computer Matching Agreement and The Data Integrity Board, Directive 262-01 (4 pages)174.51 KB
PDF icon Computer Matching Agreement and The Data Integrity Board, Instruction 262-01-001 (9 pages)78.87 KB
PDF icon Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) Certification Appointment Responsibilities, Management Directive 0780.1 (1259.77 KB
PDF icon Contracting Officer Warrant Program, Management Directive 0740.2 (5 pages)75.59 KB
PDF icon Coordination With U.S. Attorneys’ Offices For Release of Information, Directive 111-03 (5 pages)20.74 KB
PDF icon Delegations of Authority, Directive 112-03 (2 pages)42.41 KB
PDF icon Directives System, Directive 112-01 (6 pages)63.75 KB
PDF icon Domain Names, Directive 139-01 (8 pages)33.08 KB
PDF icon Employee Recognition, Directive 255-02 (4 pages)63.23 KB
PDF icon Employment of Experts and Consultants, Directive 250-03 (2 pages)32.85 KB
PDF icon Enterprise Data Management Policy, Directive 103-01, (3 pages)79.87 KB
PDF icon Environmental Planning Program, Directive 023-01, (64 pages)448.92 KB
PDF icon Environmental Compliance Program, Directive 023-02, (6 pages)41.46 KB
PDF icon Ethics-Standards of Conduct, Management Directive 0480.1 (5 pages)66.58 KB
PDF icon Financial Services Line of Business Integration and Management, Management Directive 0005 (13 pages)406.16 KB
PDF icon Federal Register Notices and Rules, Management Directive 0490.1 (40 pages)331.01 KB
PDF icon Fleet Card Program, Management Directive 1020 (3 pages)21.86 KB
PDF icon Forms Management, Management Directive 0555.2 (6 pages)73.94 KB
PDF icon Freedom of Information Act Compliance, Management Directive 0460.1 (7 pages), 23 KB)23.28 KB
PDF icon General Counsel Organization, Management Directive 0400 (11 pages)50.78 KB
PDF icon Gifts to the Department of Homeland Security, Directive 112-02 (4 pages)47.33 KB
PDF icon Historic Preservation in Asset Management, Directive 017-01 (2 pages)74.26 KB
PDF icon Home to Work Transportation Program, Directive 112-05 (5 pages)50.28 KB
PDF icon Honorary Awards, Directive 255-01 (3 pages)52 KB
PDF icon Human Capital Line of Business Integration and Management, Management Directive 0006 (12 pages)367.56 KB
PDF icon Human Relations, Directive 250-04 (3 pages)37.37 KB
PDF icon Implementation of Section 1367 Information Provisions, Directive 002-02 (4 pages)168.29 KB
PDF icon Implementation of Section 1367 Information Provisions Instruction, Instruction 002-02-001 (16 pages)241.27 KB
PDF icon Indemnification of Employees Acting in Official Capacity, Management Directive 0415 (3 pages)135.99 KB
PDF icon Information Collection Program, Directive 142-01 (36 pages)110.28 KB
PDF icon Information Technology Line of Business Integration and Management, Management Directive 0007.1 (44 pages)142.35 KB
PDF icon Information Technology Systems Security, Directive 140-01 (3 pages)15.46 KB
PDF icon Instruction for the Office of the Chief Security Officer, Instruction 121-01-001 (10 pages)100.79 KB
PDF icon Instruction Guide on the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act, Instruction 257-01-001 (11 pages)71.27 KB
PDF icon Issuance and Control of the Department of Homeland Security Credentials, Instruction 121-01-008 (5 pages)31.45 KB
PDF icon Issuance and Control of DHS Badges, Instruction 121-01-002 (5 pages)35.93 KB
PDF icon Issuing Delegations of Authority, Instruction 112-03-001 (8 pages)143.27 KB
PDF icon Interagency Agreements, Directive 125-02 (5 pages)79.06 KB
PDF icon Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act, Directive 257-01 (4 pages)50.17 KB
PDF icon Legislative Procedures, Management Directive 0420 (18 pages)78.66 KB
PDF icon Loaned Executive Program, Directive 084-01 (2 pages)56.66 KB
PDF icon Mail Management Program, Management Directive 0590 (7 pages)50.88 KB
PDF icon Maximum Age for Appointment to the Department of Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection Officer Positions - Directive 258.47 KB
PDF icon Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and Memoranda of Agreement (MOA), Management Directive 0450.1 (7 pages)33.09 KB
PDF icon Motor Pool Operation, Management Directive 0520.1 (4 pages)41.76 KB
PDF icon Motor Vehicle Fleet Management, Management Directive 0510 (3 pages)42.35 KB
PDF icon Office for State and Local Law Enforcement, Directive 252-11 (5 pages)166.57 KB
PDF icon Office of Operations Coordination: DHS Operational Reporting Requirements, Directive 252-06 (3 pages)44.33 KB
PDF icon Office of the Chief Security Officer, Directive 121-01 (3 pages)54.88 KB
PDF icon Official Flag of the Department of Homeland Security, Management Directive 0040 (4 pages)26.79 KB
PDF icon Official Reception and Representation Funds, Management Directive 0540 (9 pages)93.05 KB
PDF icon Operational Integration Staff, Management Directive 0002 (10 pages)303.2 KB
PDF icon Ordering Official Certification, Directive 0783, (9 pages)98.72 KB
PDF icon Organization Control System, Management Directive 0110 (3 pages)22.82 KB
PDF icon Organization of the Office of the Under Secretary for Management, Management Directive 0100 (2 pages)22.23 KB
PDF icon Other Transaction Authority, Management Directive 0771.1 (14 pages)127.83 KB
PDF icon Performance of Commercial Activities, Management Directive 0476 (32 pages)268.44 KB
PDF icon Personal Property Management Directive, Management Directive 0565 (14 pages)138.59 KB
PDF icon Press Releases, Directive 109-03, (3 pages)14.14 KB
PDF icon Privacy Policy for Operational Use of Social Media, Management Directive 110-01 (3 pages)52.12 KB
PDF icon Privacy Policy for Operational Use of Social Media Instruction 110-01-001 (10 pages)96.25 KB
PDF icon Private Sector Loaned Executive Program, Instruction 084-01-001 (16 pages)218.73 KB
PDF icon Privacy Policy and Compliance, Directive 047-01, (5 pages)838.87 KB
PDF icon Privacy Policy and Compliance, Instruction 047-01-001, (11 pages)658.25 KB
PDF icon Chief Privacy Officer Investigations, Instruction 047-01-002 (8 pages)105.94 KB
PDF icon Privacy Policy for Research Programs and Projects, Directive 140-06 (5 pages)50.53 KB
PDF icon Privacy Policy for Research Programs and Projects, Instruction 140-06-001 (6 pages)4.01 MB
PDF icon Protection of Human Subjects, Directive 026-04, (9 pages)46.11 KB
PDF icon Purchase Card Program, Management Directive 0760.1 (11 pages)64.97 KB
PDF icon Real Property Management Program, Management Directive 0560 (4 pages)57.8 KB
PDF icon Records Management, Management Directive 0550.1 (2 pages)43.73 KB
PDF icon Relations With the U.S. Government Accountability Office, Directive 077-02 (4 pages)31.92 KB
PDF icon Relations With the U.S. Government Accountability Office Implementation, Instruction 077-02-001 (14 pages)69.17 KB
PDF icon Repayment of Student Loans for Recruitment and Retention, Directive 251-02 (15 pages)976.87 KB
PDF icon Responding to Unsolicited Proposals, Management Directive 0750.1 (5 pages)39.29 KB
PDF icon Rotational Assignments, Directive 250-01 (7 pages)64.38 KB
PDF icon Safety and Health Programs, Directive 066-01 (8 pages)72.87 KB
PDF icon Scheduling and Briefing Procedures for the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of DHS, Management Directive 0009 (15 pages)70.59 KB
PDF icon Select Agent and Toxin Security, Directive 026-03, (7 pages)56.98 KB
PDF icon Small Business Acquisition Program, Directive 143-03, (3 pages)15.2 KB
PDF icon Special Access Program Management, Directive 140-04 (5 pages)255.72 KB
PDF icon Strategically Sourced Commodities Policy and Procedures, Management Directive 0731 (7 pages)130.87 KB
PDF icon Strategic Sourcing Group Operations, Management Directive 0730.1 (10 pages)70.49 KB
PDF icon Sustainable Practices for Environmental Energy and Transportation Management, Directive 025-01 (5 pages)60.67 KB
PDF icon Test and Evaluation, Directive 026-06, (12 pages)3.58 MB
PDF icon The Office of Inspector General, Management Directive 0810.1 (6 pages)42.87 KB
PDF icon Transitional Contracting and Financial Assistance, Management Directive 0770 (3 pages)31.46 KB
PDF icon Use of the Department of Homeland Security Letterhead, Management Directive 0035 (8 pages)53.38 KB
PDF icon Use of the Department of Homeland Security Seal, Management Directive 0030 (4 pages)39.82 KB
PDF icon Use of a Universal Identifier by Grant Applicants, Management Directive 0715 (6 pages)43.09 KB
PDF icon Volunteer Community Service, Directive 254-01 (4 pages)66.19 KB
Last Published Date: February 29, 2016
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