On February 13th the Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 President’s Budget was announced introducing the National Preparedness Grant Program (NPGP); this program seeks to sustain and continue to build on existing capabilities to create a national robust capacity based on cross-jurisdictional and readily deployable state and local assets. In accordance with the President’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2013, and Secretary Napolitano’s expectations within the Department of Homeland Security during the current fiscal environment, FEMA’s FY 2013 budget reflects the Agency’s priorities as we manage existing resources, reduce redundancies, enhance efficiencies, and focus on the programs that help FEMA fulfill its crucial emergency management role for the Nation. FEMA’s proposed FY2013 budget reflects the appropriate balance of enabling FEMA to fulfill its mission while reducing spending in several areas as well as highlighting program efficiency and innovative thinking. Regardless of potential budget limitations in the future, FEMA will continue to fulfill our most important mission to support our citizens and first responders.

The NPGP will require grantees to develop and sustain core capabilities outlined in the National Preparedness Goal rather than work to meet mandates within individual, and often disconnected, grant programs. NPGP will also focus on creating a robust national response capacity based on cross-jurisdictional and readily deployable state and local assets.

FEMA recognizes that the best solutions are generated by the people and the communities who are active participants in the preparedness grants. It is essential that stakeholders actively participate in thought-provoking discussions on the implementation of NPGP, which is why we are asking state, territorial, local, and tribal governments, the private sector, non-governmental and faith-based organizations, access and functional needs community, and others for their input on how to implement the proposed FY13 NPGP.

FEMA wants to hear your ideas and suggestions, to explore concerns as well as thoughts on how to move forward with this new grant program.

Description of the FY 2013 National Preparedness Grant Program.

The President’s FY 2013 Budget Request.

National Preparedness Grant Program Vision Dialogue

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

VIPER - Volunteer, Identify, Prepare, Educate, Respond

Our nation has hundreds of small volunteer teams trained and ready to assist in the event of disasters. FEMA needs to recognize, support and document these teams under a new heading of V.I.P.E.R. Volunteer Identify abilities Prepare Educate Respond These teams are made up of trained K-9 Teams, All Terrain Vehicles, Water Rescue boats and divers, EMTs, small aircraft, etc., already trained in Rural, Urban and Wilderness ...more »

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Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Green Friendly Electrical Generators

Self Perpetuating Electrical Generators that use no fossil fuels ever, are completely self contained, water resistant, and need no infrastructure to generate 14000+watts. Can be upfitted not only for total household electrical capacity but also for commercial, and instatutional power output. We don't need gas, oil, diesel,methane,butane...ect. Totally Green,portable,llght and compact. House units weigh less that 120lbs. ...more »

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Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

NPGP Bad for Mitigation

The proposed grant program is supposed to include mitigation projects as eligible and as a result, eliminates the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program. Yet, based on the funding priorities in the NPGP vision document, mitigation has a 0.00% chance of being funded. Instead, under the guise of giving more flexibility, mitigation loses. I don't understand the priorities of DHS - every year in the last decade natural ...more »

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Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

CERT in smaller communities

I believed we need to have more CERT teams in smaller communities. I live in a one of the smaller counties in Northern Michigan. If we had a major disaster in this area we would have to have someone come in form one major cities. There are not enough CERT teams in Michigan in my opinion. I would like to start a CERT TEAM in Newaygo County and hopefully it would catch on in the other areas. I believe that to be prepared ...more »

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Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant

After reading this proposal I have several concerns. As a tribal organization representing tribes in Nevada it is of grave concern that any change in funding needs to include tribal consultation at not only the federal level but also at the state by state level. Tribes have suffered tremendously under the current system and a change to homeland security dollars could eliminate tribal involvement. Reviewers are often times ...more »

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Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

National Preparedness Grant Program

FEMA's National Preparedness Grant Program page indicated that the new NPGP was being discussed here but I have not been able to find anything.


Now that it appears that congress is rejecting this NPGP concept, is this no longer an issue? (The House Appropriations mark-up returns grant programs to the former style and rejected the new vision)

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Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Preparedness Actions

Private businesses can train and prepare the public to increase their awareness and knowledge of NIMS. They have the experience and knowledge to fill in the preparedness and recovery gaps. Permit private businesses to write grants to fund the mission. No more time wasted on meetings and planning, just action.

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13 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Professional students help disaster victims recover

As a law student, I see that a need for disaster victims making efforts to rebuild their lives through insurance claims and vital procedures might be enhanced by assistance from professional students who can offer expertise and assistance at a low price or through grants or through the U.S. Pathways program funding for internships. Logistically getting from the emergency state back to regular life is a slow process. ...more »

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3 votes
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Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Federal Tax Program For Relief Expenses

This tax program could be part of every Americans tax plans. Annually, every household would be taxed a certain amount based on income to have insurance for any disaster that effects any portion of the country in need. If a portion of the programs funding remains unused, then it will be placed in a federal reserve to be used at a a later time.

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-8 votes
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11 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Pre-Disaster Mitigation is NOT a duplication of funding

Here's the problem. Out of 566 Tribal Nations less then 10% participate in National Flood Insurance Program. Because it was not written for federally recognized Tribes. SO that eliminates HOW many FEMA grant programs? Three (3) grants in total but eliminates up to five (5) funding streams. Each of which requires membership into the National Floodplain Management Insurance compliance. Flood Mitigation Assistance Planning ...more »

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7 votes
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2 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Grant purchased equipment and 33 CFR Part 155 listing

I read the FY2013 grant program overview with interest. my question came after reading a paragraph on page 4 of that document which I've included below. As part of the peer review process, all EMHS resources will be considered in the context of their availability and utility to multiple jurisdictions, regions and the nation. The peer review process will require that resources, regardless of funding source, are complementary ...more »

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9 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Utilize our veterans for disaster relief

This post is about improving the lives of returning veterans from overseas. Some have injuries from their tour of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many may feel depressed due to their injuries. The following are ideas that may or may not be doable to improve the quality of life of our veterans. 1) Can FEMA begin a new program to hire our veterans to manage resources, including emergency supplies, for when a disaster occurs? ...more »

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4 votes
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4 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Medical Disaster Drill utilizing smart phone applications

A hospital system based disaster drill to prepare hospital staff for possible disasters. This can be improved and adapted with a smart phone application which would allow for rapid communication from the field to the emergency room to the OR. The applications can help to triage and identify 'hot spots' in the community requiring more intensive resources. The application can be designed to monitor and assess metrics, ...more »

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4 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Preparing for future disasters

As this storm's aftermath unfolds, can this motivate people to stock up on emergency supplies for future disasters? The following are ideas to help do this. 1) Install HD sets at check out lanes that could show items one should have on hand for various emergencies. 2) Bar coded pamphlets could be stocked at check out lanes of major stores. Each scan will mean an emergency supply kit will be delivered. 3) The postal ...more »

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7 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

flood water capture and reuse

I think there can be a system of flood water capture be developed for areas like Louisiana and other flood prone areas. My idea is simple it simply requires installation of empty water towers along the flood prone areas and a system of diesel powered pump satiations that will pump the flood waters into the water towers. And it can be held there and reused at a later date for irrigation, street clean up, construction ...more »

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-7 votes
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10 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Create New Emergency Watch Captains

Can FEMA organize new emergency street captains? These captains would be given smart phones and extra batteries to link to their neighbors and FEMA. They would be given a list of neighbors in their watched street. There were problems of installing generators that has caused CO poison. There were problems of restarting power to those without electricity. They need to unhook their generators and inspect their fuse boxes ...more »

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-4 votes
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6 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Flood barrier defense

Wata-Wall is a flood barrier, in essence a large rubber brick (approx 3x2x2ft) that can be slotted together with others to create an impenetrable and water-tight wall - water is then channeled through all the inter-connected bricks so that 1 brick weighs around one third of a ton. You fight fire with fire, why not fight water with water. Wata-wall is flat packed and therefore can be stored and assembled easily and re-used ...more »

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8 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Creating many new ideas; especially among our youth

They say in business, out of 200 ideas, 2 may be doable. Thank you FEMA for allowing ideas to be submitted and voted on. Eventually FEMA may discover those 2 winning concepts. Look at Kitty Hawk for the first to fly had many inventions. Perhaps 99 inventions before the winning aircraft won that contest. We Americans never gives up! Eventually we will find better ways to do things... Our youth are the most creative of ...more »

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0 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program


Here two Florence flasks are used.The oval shaped Florence flask is filled with water. It is closed air light along with a pipe A clamp is attached just above where the pipe and the pot shaped Florence flask are in contact. Because of pressure difference the water flows towards A through in the upward direction. Therefore the weight of increases and it moves downwards due to the gravitational force when it moves downwards ...more »

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5 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program


To measure progress toward this vision, three strategic goals were established: Goal 1—By 2010, 90 percent of all high-risk urban areas designated within the Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) are able to demonstrate response-level emergency communications within one hour for routine events involving multiple jurisdictions and agencies. Goal 2—By 2011, 75 percent of non-UASI jurisdictions are able to demonstrate ...more »

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1 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

SandMaster Barrier Systems

With the SandMaster’s unique ability to fill, transport, securely close and place multiple sandbags, the protection of shoreline properties and communities from flooding and storm surges can be accomplished quickly without a whole lot of manpower. There is minimal time to create protective barriers prior to these storm events so creating large quantities of sandbags quickly and getting them in place can be the difference ...more »

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-6 votes
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10 down votes

Campaign: Proposed FY2013 National Preparedness Grant Program

Good Communication. Deaf Ears?

Once again our nations ability (or rather the lack there of) to communicate with survivors of catastrophe was crystal clear in the wake of Sandy. Efforts to communicate better integrated systems, hardened structure caches, deployable assets, and such with REAL promise for REAL emergency PREPAREDNESS continue to fall on deaf ears. Response is NOT enough; never has been and never will be - we must be prepared. Why ...more »

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 31 Ideas