U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations



Research and Development (R&D) Project Sites

Project Information
Project ID:   FHWA-PROJ-10-0019
Project Name:   Traffic Analysis and Simulation Pooled Fund Study–Task 2: Guidance on the Level of Effort Required to Conduct Traffic Analysis
Project Status:   Completed
Start Date:  April 1, 2010
End Date:  February 28, 2012
Contact Information
Last Name:  VanGorder
First Name:  Randy
Telephone:  202-493-3266
E-mail:  randall.vangorder@dot.gov
Office:   Office of Operations Research and Development
Team:   Trans Ops Concepts and Analysis Team [HRDO-20]
Project detail
Project Description:   This study will develop guidance/templates for State and local agencies and consultants by demonstrating, through case studies and/or examples, the proper application of traffic modeling and simulation process, from cradle to grave. The templates will display traffic modeling in simulation process information from system monitoring and problem identification through demand forecasting, into design and operational analysis, and into deployment and operations and management resulting from the transportation decision. A boilerplate/template Statement of Work will be developed so that State and local agencies can use it in their Request for Proposals to reflect the required level of effort and resources needed to effectively and efficiently carry out the work. This project will enable agencies to scope projects properly and determine more realistic levels of effort required, leading to better decisions on transportation improvement projects.
Goals:   The key project objective is to develop guidance for analysis/modeling managers to successfully conduct traffic analyses. This guidance will benefit transportation agencies by providing systematic ways to scope and budget for their traffic analysis efforts and review traffic analysis outputs, resulting in better project and program decisions on transportation improvement projects with fewer project delays and cost overruns.
Background Information:   In an effort to get the most out of every system, new technologies and policies, such as high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, are being combined with existing approaches like high occupancy vehicle (HOV) or carpool lanes. Increasingly, sophisticated traveler information systems are being deployed, which have a significant impact on travel patterns under both incident and nonincident operational conditions. The capability of existing tools to address some of these new technologies and policies is limited. At the same time, levels of congestion are rising across the networks; an analyst is asked to model and represent tools that may not deal with “gridlock” conditions in an accurate way. Decisionmakers are asking an increased amount of complex questions about system improvements. They may ask for an impact assessment that goes beyond a single facility and may span a range of effects beyond delay to travel reliability, environmental, and other impacts. Even “standard” analyses that are considered routine requests have become more complex. Putting into perspective the challenge of meeting the increasing needs of traffic analyses while keeping up with limited budgets, a guide is needed to help tackle different critical areas of those analyses, pinpointing best practices and identifying ways to tailor the level of effort invested to analysis expectations.
More Information URL(s):  
  1. http://www.pooledfund.org/Details/Study/403
Test Methodology:   Microscopic simulation
Partners:   Federal Highway Administration: Resource Center; Role(s): Technical
Expected Benefits:   This project will enable agencies to scope projects properly and determine more realistic levels of effort required, leading to better decisions on transportation improvement projects.
FHWA Topics:   Road Operations and Congestion--Tolling and Pricing Program
TRT Terms:   High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes
High Occupancy Toll Lanes
Highway Traffic Control
FHWA Disciplines:   Design
Program and Management Analysis
Subject Areas:   Operations and Traffic Management
Education and Training
Data and Information Technology


Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101