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Office of Intelligence and Analysis

The mission of the Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) is to equip the Homeland Security Enterprise with the timely intelligence and information it needs to keep the Homeland safe, secure, and resilient.  I&A is a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) and is the only IC element statutorily charged with delivering intelligence to our state, local, tribal, territorial and private sector partners, and developing intelligence from those partners for the Department and the IC.

I&A’s goals, in line with DHS priorities, are to provide its customers and partners with unique, predictive intelligence and analysis that:

  • Enhance customer understanding of, and response to, threats to Aviation Security
  • Increase operational effectiveness against threats to Border Security
  • Improve the integrity of our Cyber networks
  • Inform operators and decision-makers on effective means to Counter Violent Extremism

I&A’s customers and partners are DHS leadership; DHS components; state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners; and the IC, the, all of whom require and generate homeland security intelligence and information.  I&A is part of the larger Homeland Security Enterprise and supports the Departments’ goal: one DHS, one enterprise, a shared vision, with integrated results-based operations.

More about the Office of Intelligence and Analysis Mission

Leadership and Organization

The Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis (U/SIA) also serves as DHS’ Chief Intelligence Officer (CINT) and is responsible to both the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). I&A’s budget is 100 percent funded by the National Intelligence Program (NIP).

View the Office of Intelligence and Analysis Organizational Chart

Last Published Date: June 30, 2016

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