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Enclosure 8 -- Human Systems Integration (HSI)


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DoD Instruction 5000.02

Enclosure 8 -- Human Systems Integration (HSI)

  1. General
  2. HSI Planning
    1. Human Factors Engineering
    2. Personnel
    3. Habitability
    4. Manpower
    5. Training
    6. Safety and Occupational Health
    7. Survivability

1. GENERAL. The PM shall have a plan for HSI in place early in the acquisition process to optimize total system performance, minimize total ownership costs, and ensure that the system is built to accommodate the characteristics of the user population that will operate, maintain, and support the system.

2. HSI PLANNING. HSI planning shall be summarized in the Acquisition Strategy and SEP and shall address the following:

   a. Human Factors Engineering. The PM shall take steps (e.g., contract deliverables and Government/contractor IPT teams) to ensure ergonomics, human factors engineering, and cognitive engineering is employed during systems engineering over the life of the program to provide for effective human-machine interfaces and to meet HSI requirements. Where practicable and cost effective, system designs shall minimize or eliminate system characteristics that require excessive cognitive, physical, or sensory skills; entail extensive training or workload-intensive tasks; result in mission-critical errors; or produce safety or health hazards.

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   b. Personnel. The PM shall work with the personnel community to define the human performance characteristics of the user population based on the system description, projected characteristics of target occupational specialties, and recruitment and retention trends. To the extent possible, systems shall not require special cognitive, physical, or sensory skills beyond that found in the specified user population. For those programs that have skill requirements that exceed the knowledge, skills, and abilities of current military occupational specialties, or that require additional skill indicators or hard-to-fill military occupational specialties, the PM shall consult with personnel communities to identify readiness, personnel tempo, and funding issues that impact program execution.

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   c. Habitability. The PM shall work with habitability representatives to establish requirements for the physical environment (e.g., adequate space and temperature control) and, if appropriate, requirements for personnel services (e.g., medical and mess) and living conditions (e.g., berthing and personal hygiene) for conditions that have a direct impact on meeting or sustaining system performance or that have such an adverse impact on quality of life and morale that recruitment or retention is degraded.

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   d. Manpower. In advance of contracting for operational support services, the PM shall work with the manpower community to determine the most efficient and cost-effective mix of DoD manpower and contract support. The mix of military, DoD civilian, and contract support necessary to operate, maintain, and support (to include providing training) the system shall be determined based on the Manpower Mix Criteria and reported in the Manpower Estimate. Economic analyses used to support workforce mix decisions shall use costing tools that account for fully loaded costs – i.e., all variable and fixed costs, compensation and non-compensation costs, current and deferred benefits, cash and in-kind benefits. Once the Manpower Estimate is approved by the DoD Component manpower authority, it shall serve as the authoritative source for reporting manpower in other program documentation.

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   e. Training. The PM shall work with the training community to develop options for individual, collective, and joint training for operators, maintainers and support personnel, and, where appropriate, base training decisions on training effectiveness evaluations. The PM shall address the major elements of training, and place special emphasis on options that enhance user capabilities, maintain skill proficiencies, and reduce individual and collective training costs. The PM shall develop training system plans to maximize the use of new learning techniques, simulation technology, embedded training and distributed learning (DoD Instruction 1322.26 (Reference (be))), and instrumentation systems that provide "anytime, anyplace" training and reduce the demand on the training establishment. Where possible, the PM shall maximize the use of simulation-supported embedded training, and the training systems shall fully support and mirror the interoperability of the operational system (DoD Directive 1322.18 (Reference (bf))).

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   f. Safety and Occupational Health. The PM shall ensure that appropriate HSI and ESOH efforts are integrated across disciplines and into systems engineering to determine system design characteristics that can minimize the risks of acute or chronic illness, disability, or death or injury to operators and maintainers; and enhance job performance and productivity of the personnel who operate, maintain, or support the system.

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   g. Survivability. For systems with missions that might require exposure to combat threats, the PM shall address personnel survivability issues including protection against fratricide, detection, and instantaneous, cumulative, and residual nuclear, biological, and chemical effects; personnel survivability against asymmetric threats; the integrity of the crew compartment; and provisions for rapid egress when the system is severely damaged or destroyed. The PM shall address special equipment or gear needed to sustain crew operations in the operational environment, including the suitability of equipment intended to enhance personnel survivability against asymmetric threats.

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