Multi-Jurisdiction Improvised Explosive Device Security Planning

Cover for the Mutli-Jurisdiction Improvised Explosive Device Security Planning Workshop Situation ManualThe Multi-Jurisdiction Improvised Explosive Device Security Planning (MJIEDSP) Program is a systematic process that fuses counter-improvised explosive device (IED) capability analysis, training, and planning to enhance urban area IED prevention, protection, mitigation, and response capabilities. The program assists with collectively identifying roles, responsibilities, capability gaps, and how to optimize limited resources within a multi-jurisdictional planning area. 

The National Protection and Programs Directorate's Office of Infrastructure Protection, Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP) works closely with communities to provide expertise on planning and operational requirements for IED incident preparedness in alignment with the National Preparedness Goal and Core Capabilities.


The planning process includes coordination with stakeholders from the planning area to conduct briefs and training, data collection activities, and facilitated scenario-based workshops. Workshops engage stakeholders in:

  • A discussion of cross-discipline, multi-agency, and multi-jurisdictional response to multiple IED attacks within the planning area that identifies key threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Practices that integrate and maximize available resources.
  • Steady-state and threat-initiated actions that reduce the risk of IED attacks.

OBP offers three types of stakeholder workshops:

  • First Responders – Assists the first responder community, including the private sector, in understanding and identifying the unique operational aspects of responding to IED incidents.
  • Bomb Squad-Special Weapons and Tactics Teams (SWAT) Interoperability – Focuses on tactical coordination of bomb squads and SWAT teams in responding to IED incidents involving active shooters.
  • Executive Level – Provides high-level decision-makers with a greater understanding of the unique challenges associated with responding to large-scale IED incidents.


The process strengthens IED prevention, protection, mitigation, and response capabilities of specific urban areas by:

  • Identifying requisite counter-IED capabilities and assets (with associated gaps).
  • Defining steady-state and threat-initiated tasks specific to that urban area’s needs.
  • Emphasizing National Incident Management System (NIMS)-compliant Mutual Aid Agreements.

The MJIEDSP After-Action Report and the Improvement Plan provide a list of counter-IED capability gaps and vulnerabilities within the planning area and recommended courses of action. These courses of action aid in grant request justifications, provide a framework for resource allocation, and assist communities with the development of an IED-specific response annex for their emergency operations plan.

Contact Information

For more information, please see the MJIEDSP fact sheet or send an e-mail to the Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP) at

To report suspicious activity, call 9-1-1 or contact local law enforcement.

Last Published Date: August 5, 2016

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