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Federal Highway Administration / Publications / Focus / March 2014

Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations

Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-14-011
Date: March 2014
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An Award-Winning Opportunity: LTPP International Data Analysis Contest

Be a winner in pavement research.

The 2014 Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) International Data Analysis Contest is now underway, with research paper submissions due by July 31, 2014. Sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Transportation and Development Institute, the contest encourages university students from around the world, with the support of professors and highway agency engineers, to get involved in using the LTPP database.

This year's theme is "Use LTPP InfoPave to Evaluate a Question or Concern for Your Region or State." Introduced in January 2014, LTPP InfoPave™ is a Web-based system that allows users to more easily tap into the array of pavement data available through FHWA's LTPP program. Since its launch in 1987, the LTPP program has monitored nearly 2,500 in-service pavement test sections throughout the United States and Canada.

"The contest gives students the opportunity to learn how to gather data using the new Web-based system," said Deborah Walker of FHWA. "Students also have the flexibility to address an interest or concern relevant to their particular location."

Participants can enter in three categories:

One winning team will be selected for each category. Winners will receive an award certificate and all-expenses-paid trip to attend the 2015 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, where they will present their research. FHWA reserves the right to publish the winning papers. The top Graduate team will receive a $1,500 cash prize, while the winning Undergraduate team will receive $1,000 and the top Partnership team will be awarded $500. Cash prizes are being provided by private sector donors.

To view the contest guidelines, visit www.asce.org/tdi. Start using LTPP InfoPave today by visiting www.infopave.com. LTPP data are also available through Standard Data Release (SDR) 28. SDR 28 can be downloaded from the LTPP InfoPave site or obtained from the LTPP Customer Support Service Center, 202-493-3035 (email: ltppinfo@dot.gov). For more information on the contest, contact Andrea Baker at ASCE, 703-295-6124 (email: abaker@asce.org), or Deborah Walker at FHWA, 202-493-3068 (email: deborah.walker@dot.gov).

The home page for LTPP InfoPave (www.infopave.com).
Use the new LTPP InfoPave system to enter the 2014 LTPP International Data Analysis Contest.

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Updated: 01/14/2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000