U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Subject: INFORMATION: FHWA Participation in the Acquisition of AASHTO's Construction Management System and Construction Engineering Equipment Date: June 12, 1996
From: Chief, Highway Operations Division Refer To: HNG-22
To: Regional Administrators

Over the past several years, 18 States have contributed to a pooled fund project to develop the AASHTO Construction Management System (CMS). AASHTO is currently developing the CMS software for implementation by the States by 1997. The CMS will provide the States with a complete management system for the administration of all construction documentation. It will allow the State highway agencies to utilize contract data available from the AASHTO Bid Analysis and Management System and supplement it with the ability to organize and track contractor payments, change orders, inspection reports and materials management.

Several States have inquired about the Federal-aid eligibility of the equipment acquisition costs for this particular management system. Similar to the acquisition of the SHRP Superpave equipment, FHWA considers the CMS to be an innovative technology that warrants rapid deployment and is therefore beyond the normal requirements for a suitably equipped highway agency as defined in 23 USC 302.

Therefore, the initial cost to acquire the CMS for Federal-aid projects will be eligible for Federal-aid participation. The States should be aware that future CMS program related expenditures may not be eligible for participation. Future project related acquisitions will be governed by our existing policy concerning the acquisition of construction engineering equipment.

/s/ Donald P. Steinke

Updated: 10/29/2015
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000