Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) (44 CFR 206.141 and 20 CFR 625) provides unemployment benefits and re-employment services to individuals who have become unemployed as a result of a major disaster and who are not eligible for regular State Unemployment Insurance (UI). FEMA has delegated to the Secretary of Labor the responsibility of administering the DUA program and payment of DUA benefit assistance.

Under the current program regulations, applicants are required to first apply and exhaust UI through the State workforce agency. Levels of UI are based on State formulas, which may be different for each State.

FEMA would like your feedback on an Indian tribal government’s ability to administer DUA and the use of State workforce agency to apply for regular UI in the absence of a tribal equivalent of a workforce agency during the pilot program.

FEMA welcomes comments on any or all of the topics addressed below in the manner you prefer. Comments are also welcomed on any other issues that may not be covered in the below topics.