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World Refugee Day

June 20 is World Refugee Day.

Taking in refugees at times of crisis is the right thing to do. For many refugees and their families, the future is brighter now that they live in our great country of freedom and opportunity. As a a great and humanitarian nation – a nation of immigrant heritage – we will continue to ensure our own safety, while doing our share to welcome men, women and children who are fleeing terrorism and violence. This is the United States of America. We can, we must, and we will do both.

On World Refugee Day, we rededicate ourselves to this mission. 

Refugees Welcome: Jaafar’s Story

Secretary Jeh Johnson tells the story of nine year old Jaafar, and reminds us of the moral imperative of accepting and welcoming refugees in times of crisis, consistent with our Nation’s values.


From Darkness to Light: Thon’s Story

Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, a refugee himself, and Thon Chol discuss the darkness and terror in his home country of Sudan, and the light to which he was brought when he was settled in the United States.

Last Published Date: June 20, 2016

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