API Features

Location Awareness

Use the power of mobile to give your users contextual information about where they are, when they’re there.

Search Everywhere

Search for and retrieve rich information about local businesses and points of interest, available on every screen.


Add autocomplete to any application, providing type-ahead location-based predictions like the search on Google Maps.

Demos and Sample Code

Discover Places API Examples

Looking for inspiration on how to best use the Places API? Visit the Google Developer Showcase to see how other developers are using the Places API in their apps.

More Location APIs

  • Places API for Mobile

    Connect people to places with the power of location awareness on Android and iOS.

  • Places Library in Maps JavaScript API

    Use the Google Places API on the web, as a JavaScript library integrated into the Google Maps JavaScript API.

  • Places API Web Service

    Search for local businesses by category, retrieve place details, offer your users the power of place autocomplete and more.

  • Google Maps APIs

    Integrate your location-aware app with the visual beauty and varied data services offered by the Google Maps APIs.

  • Android Location APIs

    Enrich your app with the high-accuracy location reporting, geofencing, and activity recognition provided by the Android Location APIs.

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