Administrator’s Intent Statement: As a Nation we often lack a full understanding of the true risk exposure over time from our decisions, be they land use, development, or engineering in nature – and more importantly, who bears the cost of that exposure.

Share your thoughts on any of the following items:

  • The extent of our understanding of risk exposure and how to coordinate information to create a complete picture of risk exposure (nationally, locally);
  • Shortfalls in our communication about and understanding of risk exposure, or ways to approach this communication;
  • How costs of disaster and climate risk are distributed today (e.g., Federal assistance, insurance, private sector and citizens);
  • How costs of disaster and climate risk could be distributed in the future (e.g., Federal assistance, insurance, private sector and citizens).

Campaign: Topic 2: Understanding and Communicating Risk Exposure and Costs

Structures built above base Flood elevation reduce insurance

Any house that is in a VE zone that is built above the required base flood elevation should not have to pay outragious FEMA charges, and should pay only as in an AE zone. If the house is built to code and meets the requirements outlined by FEMA, why are they considered at a huge risk? I do not mind having to pay something towards FEMA insurance, but not the high amount of $15,000 they have earmarked for my home. I can ...more »

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-1 votes
3 up votes
4 down votes

Campaign: Topic 2: Understanding and Communicating Risk Exposure and Costs


HISTORIC CASE BASED LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CONSEQUENCES OF NOT BEING PREPARED, LEARN THE IMPORTANCE OF PLANNING, KITS, PREPARATION, WARNING SIGNS, AND COMPLYING WITH PROTOCOL. BACKGROUND: From a position of hindsight we can all learn by examining historic disasters, then, attempt to uncover mistakes, followed by an attempt to address (ways and means) to be better prepared in future incidences. PURPOSE: Rather than leave ...more »

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10 votes
10 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Topic 2: Understanding and Communicating Risk Exposure and Costs

Challenging the 'Why' of Small Business Preparedness

Why is it that so few small businesses prepare for emergencies? Or is that even the right question... Maybe the question should be more along the lines of, Why do so few small businesses focus on preparedness in response to the avalanche of messages prompting them to do so?I submit that the breakdown is not with the business owner not wanting to prepare but more so with the way in which the message of preparedness is ...more »

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0 down votes

Campaign: Topic 2: Understanding and Communicating Risk Exposure and Costs

Better cost benefit information for natural systems

FEMA should build off of the Multihazard Mitigation Council’s study, ”Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves: An Independent Study to Assess the Future Savings from Mitigation Activities.” It is important to more comprehensively define the cost savings and benefits associated with implementing a variety of mitigation actions. The Nature Conservancy is working on and is most interested in quantifying the flood risk reduction ...more »

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7 votes
7 up votes
0 down votes

Displaying all 4 Ideas