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FHWA Resource Center



Resource Center Planning Listserv

The Planning Team maintains a Listserv discussion group, through Yahoo Groups. This group serves as a communication tool between FHWA, the Metropolitan Planning Organizations, State DOTs and other partners involved in transportation planning. It also serves to distribute the Transportation Planning Update newsletter.

You can join the Listserv, post and receive messages all by email.

To subscribe to the Listserv system.
To remove yourself from the list.
Posting messages to the Listserv.

Using the Listserv from the Web

Older messages can be checked on the website as well as managing your profile with the system. The first time you go to the site it will ask you to create a Yahoo ID and password. That ID and password will be entered each time you connect.

A special note for those who use automated replies to their email when they are away from the office. Those systems can start an avalanche of replies between you and the listserv. If you use automated replies, please log onto the website and change your profile to "checking messages on the web only" during the time you are away. That way you won't come back to hundreds of emails in your in basket.

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Technical Service Teams
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United States Department of Transportation · Federal Highway Administration