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Notification of Changes in the New Entrant Safety Assurance Program Operational Test

Notice of changes to operational test.
FMCSA announces two changes to the New Entrant Safety Assurance Program Operational Test (Operational Test) discussed in the Agency's September 4, 2013, notice. First, the Agency will update the IT systems so that when an automatic failure violation (as listed in 49 CFR 385.321) is identified by the Agency based on the records the motor carrier provides during the document submission process, the carrier will automatically fail the new entrant safety audit and be placed into the corrective action process. This is consistent with the current new entrant safety audit process for audits conducted at a motor carrier's principal place of business (PPOB). Second, the Agency will extend the Operational Test through December 2014 to ensure sufficient data is available to calculate the established metrics in order to make an informed decision on any future actions.
79 FR 53511


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