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지진 피해로 균열되고 부서진 집

여러분 자신이 대비하기로 약속하는 사례가 됨으로써 다른 사람들에게 알려 고무시키십시오!

대비하기로 약속하는

자연의 가장 끔찍하고 파괴적인 현상 중 하나는 심한 지진과 그 엄청난 여파입니다. 지진은 장기간 누적된 응력이 해제됨에 따라 지하 바위가 깨지고 이동하므로 지구가 갑자기 급속히 흔들리는 것입니다.

수억 년 동안 지구 표면을 형성하는 큰 판이 서서히 서로 위, 아래로 이동하고 서로 지나감에 따라 판 구조론의 힘이 지구를 형성했습니다. 때로는 이동이 점진적입니다. 어떤 때에는 판이 서로 고정되어 누적된 에너지를 방출할 수가 없습니다. 누적된 에너지가 강력하게 성장하면 판이 부서집니다. 인구가 밀집된 지역에서 지진이 발생하면 많은 사망과 부상, 광범위한 재산 피해를 발생시킬 수 있습니다.

지진이 가끔 서해안 지역에서 발생하는 것으로 보이지만 미국 중심부 뉴 마드리드 단층선을 포함하여 미국 전체에 걸쳐 지진 위험이 중간 이상 되는 지역이 실제로 45개 주와 영토에 이릅니다.

2011년 동부 해안의 지진은 언제 어디에서 지진이 발생할 지 예측 불가능하다는 사실을 입증해 주었으므로 여러분과 가족들은 미리 대비하는 것이 중요합니다.

After an Earthquake

If Trapped Under Debris

  • Do not light a match.
  • Do not move about or kick up dust.
  • Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.
  • Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you. Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a last resort. Shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust.

When the Shaking Stops

  • When the shaking stops, look around to make sure it is safe to move and there is a safe way out through the debris. Then exit the building.
  • Expect aftershocks. These secondary shockwaves are usually less violent than the main quake but can be strong enough to do additional damage to weakened structures and can occur in the first hours, days, weeks, or even months after the quake. Drop, Cover, and Hold On whenever you feel shaking.
  • Check for injuries and provide assistance if you have training. Assist with rescues if you can do this safely.
  • Look for and extinguish small fires. Fire is the most common hazard after an earthquake. Never use a lighter or matches near damaged areas.
  • Listen to a battery-operated radio or television for the latest emergency information.
  • If you are near the coast, learn the tsunami risk for your area. If you are in an area that may experience tsunamis, when the shaking stops, walk inland or to higher ground immediately. Monitor official reports for more information on the area’s tsunami evacuation plans.
  • Use the telephone only for emergency calls.
  • Go to a designated public shelter if your home had been damaged and is no longer safe. Text SHELTER + your ZIP code to 43362 (4FEMA) to find the nearest shelter in your area (example: shelter 12345).
  • Stay away from damaged areas. Stay away unless your assistance has been specifically requested by police, fire, or relief organizations. Return home only when authorities say it is safe.
  • Be careful when driving after an earthquake and anticipate traffic light outages.
  • After it is determined that its’ safe to return, your safety should be your primary priority as you begin clean up and recovery.
  • Open cabinets cautiously. Beware of objects that can fall off shelves.
  • Find out how to keep food safe during and after and emergency by visiting:
  • Put on long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, sturdy shoes and work gloves to protect against injury from broken objects.
  • Clean up spilled medicines, bleaches, gasoline or other flammable liquids immediately. Leave the area if you smell gas or fumes from other chemicals.
  • Inspect the entire length of chimneys for damage. Unnoticed damage could lead to a fire.
  • Inspect utilities.
    • Check for gas leaks. If you smell gas or hear blowing or hissing noise, open a window and quickly leave the building. Turn off the gas at the outside main valve if you can and call the gas company from a neighbor's home. If you turn off the gas for any reason, it must be turned back on by a professional.
    • Look for electrical system damage. If you see sparks or broken or frayed wires, or if you smell hot insulation, turn off the electricity at the main fuse box or circuit breaker. If you have to step in water to get to the fuse box or circuit breaker, call an electrician first for advice.
    • Check for sewage and water lines damage. If you suspect sewage lines are damaged, avoid using the toilets and call a plumber. If water pipes are damaged, contact the water company and avoid using water from the tap. You can obtain safe water by melting ice cubes.

FEMA Publications

If you require more information about any of these topics, the following resources may be helpful.

Related Websites

Find additional information on how to plan and prepare for an earthquake and learn about available resources by visiting the following websites:

Listen to Local Officials

Learn about the emergency plans that have been established in your area by your state and local government. In any emergency, always listen to the instructions given by local emergency management officials.