Campaign: Emergency Communications

Dissemination of Information (External)

Currently, the NIMS discussion of information security is limited to the need for appropriate security measures. However, the need for appropriate security measures may also restrict information that can be valuable to the public. Informing the public and additional audiences during an incident is an ongoing cycle that involves four steps: Step 1: Gather Information, Step 2: Verify Information, Step 3: Coordination of Information (Internal), and Step 4: Dissemination of Information (External). Coordination includes, but is not limited to: coordinating between ICS Command and General Staff; coordinating between EOC participants; and obtaining approval from appropriate authorities before information is disseminated. Initial information should include: actions the public should take; impact of the incident; actions the response agencies are taking; actions businesses and industries should take; a summary of the incident; and overall steps to be taken by the government and by citizens to return to normal after the incident.

Information that is required to be excluded is information that satisfies the requirements of the CII Act of 2002 is protected from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), State and local disclosure laws, and use in civil litigation

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8 votes
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0 down votes
Idea No. 1469